Time travel!!!

Since time marches forward at a specific rate, surely it’s deviation from this which would constitute actual time travel. So perhaps, being “frozen” in time could be considered to be time travel to the past. Sorry Martian.

Travelling to the future is possible as has been stated previously. One simply travels very fast and time slows down for that person. When the traveler arrives back on earth, many years have passed compared to a short stint in the space capsule.

The real bitch though is going back in time. From what I understand, time travel is a one way trip.

Nah. You just travel very fast but in reverse.

I’m requesting that this thread be closed, since we’ve already discussed this many times. I think the most recent thread was in July, 2017, and as you know, Emperor Palin has forbidden public discussion since the incident.

Right, as if she could follow a time travel discussion…

The OP may be referring to a time travel scenario involving wormholes. Here’s the wiki: