To mentally challenged, crazy and/or deranged men. No, I won't be your girlfriend.

Ladies, it’s good to know I’m not alone.

Freaks can find you anywhere. I’ve been in my car with the window down and had a man pull up and ask me to meet him at Denny’s.

When I was 13, a gray haired man asked my mother if he could take me out.

I don’t have red hair, but I do have a lot of curly hair. Weirdos are always coming up and asking if they can just “touch it”.

When I was 16 and working a fast food drive-thru, a guy asked me the color of my panties.

A female customer asked if I wanted to go with her to a “love-in” in the park. She then asked my co-worker if the name on her badge was her real name or her “work name” (this was a museum gift shop not a titty bar).

My car mechanic asked me detailed questions about my toenail polish.

I think this makes the most sense. That or they think we give off this desperate vibe that we need a man such as them. But I prefer your explanation :slight_smile:

Some people still use ‘work names’ because of the weirdos. I despise nametags. Something to identify me as a worker is good but it’s just creepy when a strange guy comes up to you, says your name and asks for your number. I got this quite a few times… the joys of working graveyard shift in a donut shop.

Remember those necklaces which had your name on them that was popular awhile back? I stopped wearing mine because of that sort of thing.

I always have the weirdos come up to me it seems, at least since I had my son they seem to stay away a little more. One time I was on the train heading home, I’d sat down next to this guy (the only seat left, I’d run 3 blocks to catch the train and was not gonna stand until my stop) and he immediately snuggled up to me and kissed me on the lips. I was about 15 at the time, completely out of breath from sprinting and to stunned to do anything.

And that’s not even the weirdest one, though he got the closest.