Toilet paper (or the lack of) around the world

Men? Odd, I’ve only noticed that with womens’ underwear. I own 24 pairs of tighty whities and not one has ever had any kind of discoloration of the sort you mention. (I got spagetti sauce on one pair, but that doesn’t count) I have, however, seen numerous pairs of panties that look like you describe. A turnoff, for sure.

As for me, I just use regular toilet paper. But, I’m liking this idea of showering after every dump. I may have to give that a try. Of course, it will waste a lot of water. I’ll have to start going number two in the trash to cancel that out.

I use both toilet paper and flushable wet wipes, depending on whether I need to dry myself off or clean myself. I have to say that I do love the flushable wet wipes.

My mom, one of 6 to be born to coal miner father, often said how excited they kids were around Christmastime because one of the few family treats was a box of Mandarin oranges. As toilet paper went, the green paper wrappers were a luxury compared to pages torn from the Sears catalogue. My grandparents gave up their share of the wrappers to the kids. I ::heart:: my grandmother (who delivered the last of her 13 children from 2 marriages by the end of WWII) for not squirreling away every single wrapper for herself.

The worst TP ever to be scraped over my backside was that which came from the single sheet dispensers at (American) school in Algeria, back in the early 70s. It was light brown, somewhat translucent but with a waxy shine to it. Let’s just say that no toilet paper should ‘crinkle’ when you wad it up!

These days I’m happy enough using two wads, two wipes back there/one wad, one wipe up front with any brand of TP that doesn’t break off into little white bits.