Top 5 Books, Movies and Albums.

Kudos to the first person who lists a trifecta (A novel that was turned into a screenplay and had a sountrack)

Books:[ul][li]Confessions of a Failed Southern Lady - Florence King[/li][li]On the Damned Human Race - Mark Twain[/li][li]The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom[/li][li]Parliament Of Whores - P J O’Rourke[/li][li]Lake Wobegon Days - Garrison Keillor[/ul]Albums:[ul][]We’re Only In It For The Money - Zappa & The Mothers[/li][li]Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath[/li][li]Trout Mask Replica - Captain Beefheart’s Magic Band [/li][li]Symphony #6: Pathétique - Tchaîkovsky[/li][li]Naked City - John Zorn[/ul]Films:[ul][]Network[/li][li]Memento[/li][li]True Romance[/li][li]Jacob’s Ladder[/li]Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels[/ul]

Brazzaville Beach, William Boyd
The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway
The Honourable Schoolboy, John Le Carre
The Masters, CP Snow
Eight Million Ways to Die, Lawrence Block

Blonde on Blonde, Bob Dylan
Feats Don’t Fail Me Now, Little Feat
Astral Weeks, Van Morrison
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, Neutral Milk Hotel
The Boatman’s Song, Nick Cave

Twelve Angry Men
The Hours
The Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction


Lord of the Rings - Tolkien
Mission of Gravity – Hal Clement
The Mote in God’s Eye – Niven
Ten Ever-Lovin Blue-Eyed Years with Pogo – Kelly
Fire Time – Poul Andersen I don’t know why, I just like it, that’s all.)


We’re No Angels – The original, Bogart version
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
Princess Bride


Cristoforo’s Dream – David Lanz
Memphis Underground – Herbie Mann
‘Round Midnight – Linda Ronstadt
Time to Say Goodbye – Sarah Brightman
Rhapsody in Blue – Gershwin (I don’t have a really good recording right now, so I can’t spec a particular album)


  1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  2. The Stranger by Albert Camus
  3. The Divine Comedy by Dante Aligheri
  4. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
  5. Naked by David Sedaris


  1. Rushmore
  2. High Fidelity
  3. Brazil
    4)Office Space
  4. Best in Show


  1. The Magnetic Fields - 69 Love Songs
  2. Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
  3. Throwing Muses - Throwing Muses
  4. X-Ray Spex - Germ Free Adolescents
  5. Belle and Sebastian - The Boy With the Arab Strap

Well let’s see
The Godfather
Les Miserables
Our Kind anthropologist Marvin Harris
Salem’s Lot by then unknown author Stephen King

The Godfather
The Godfather II
Star Wars
Monty Python’s Life of Brian
Animal House

One of several Beatles’ including: Revolver. Sgt Pepper or Abbey Road
Led Zepplin II or IV
Dark Side of the Moon
Bach Organ Favorites E Power Biggs
Godfather II Soundtrack

Other possible trifectas : Goldfinger & Thunderball

Boy, this is a tough list, but fun to think about.

Off the top of my head, here’s my top 5, ranked in order.

Top 5 Books

  1. Lolita, Nabokov
  2. The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway
  3. Jeeves and the Tie That Binds, Wodehouse
  4. The Pyrates, George Macdonald Fraser
  5. Red Harvest, Dash Hammitt

Commentary: I read Lolita when the Library of America published its edition of Nabokov, and pieces of it still remains. A beautifully written, subtle book. Sun Also Rises has been with me since high school, and as I’ve matured, the book has matured with me. Jeeves and Pyrates are classics of comedy that I’ve read and reread. They still hold up. “Red Harvest” was written from the soul of the man who lived it.

Top 5 Movies

  1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  2. Casablanca
  3. Moulin Rouge
  4. Re-Animator
  5. South Park: Bigger, Longer and Harder

Commentary: Yes, I do have rather common tastes, don’t I? “Raiders” and “Casablanca” are perfectly constructed movies and they’ve held up under repeated viewings. “Moulin Rouge” has its faults, but I’m still blown away by its production, its music, by Nicole and its operatic story. “Re-Animator” is dirty fun, appealing to the 13-year-old in me. “South Park” is top-notch in both its foul-mouthed excesses and its pointed satires against censorship, the effects of media violence and jingoism.

Top 5 Albums

  1. The Man Comes Around, Johnny Cash
  2. London Calling, The Clash
  3. Love and Theft, Dylan
  4. Platinum, Elvis Presley (3-disc set)
  5. Let It Be … Naked

Commentary: I love all of Cash’s American recordings. I first heard “The Mercy Seat” in a Borders bookstore. It snuck into my brain and creeped me out before I realized that it was Cash. I should have known, of course, but it was the song that captured me, and the way he put it across. “London Calling” you all know. I’m still amazed as the variety of styles the Clash played, the humor, the rage. Its politics has dated, but you can still dance to it. I’m not a dedicated Dylan fan, so I like “Love and Theft” for its own values. The fact that he took phrases from a book about Japanese yakuza for some of the lyrics makes it even more cooler and American (after all, we stole from everybody, starting with the country).

Elvis Presley. Enough said.

Recently came into listening to Let It Be … Naked, and it grabbed me in a way the first edition did not. It was a brilliant move to end the album with three songs that encapsulated each Beatle’s spiritual beliefs: Lennon’s “Across the Universe”, Harrison’s “I Me Mine” and, fittingly and finally, McCartney’s “Let It Be,” which doubles as a coda for the Beatles. Requiem in pace.

If I may, (and even if I may not), a revised album list. Sorry!

Alan Parson’s Project, The Definitive Collection
Iron Maiden, Piece of Mind
Pink Floyd, Animals
Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here
Cyndi Lauper, She’s So Unusual


Good Omens - Pratchett and Gaiman
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
The Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
tie Maus - Art Spiegelman/So Long and Thanks for All the Fish - Douglas Adams
Night Watch - Terry Pratchett


It’s a Wonderful Life
Rear Window
Local Hero


Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
Abbey Road - The Beatles
Revolver - The Beatles
A Hard Day’s Night - The Beatles
Songbird - Eva Cassidy