Top Ten List: Most fascinating Literary Characters

YossarianCatch-22 – The only sane person in a sea of insanity, so of course everyone else thinks that he’s crazy.

** Milo Minderbinder** – Catch-22 – An abusrd character. Shows what might happens to one who puts the profit motive above all else.

Major MajorCatch-22 – Another absurd character. He gets cut off from society completely because of bad luck and just muddles through life without anybody noticing.

HamletHamlet – Fascinating because he’s unable to act, a problem that plagues many people these days (including myself, to some extent.)

Lady MacbthMacbeth - The best manipulator in literary history.

Henry VHenry IV & Henry V – The ultimate rebellious teenager.

PanglossCandide – A perfect explanation of what’s wrong with incurable optimism. Everybody knows somebody who’s exactly like him.

Uncle Doc HinesA Light in August – Dear God, please save me from your followers.

MosesThe Bible – Humanity at its best, or not?

The ShrikeHyperion – Simply the coolest character ever.

[nitpick] Estraven was in Left Hand of Darkness, not The Dispossessed.

I also found him/her interesting. But I list The Dispossessed as one of the finest novels of the twentieth century.

All the rest of my fascinating characters are already on somebody else’s list.


Thus spake Eutychus:

You may be interested in Parker’s 1991 novel, Pastime, where some intriguing details about Spenser’s origins are revealed. If you just want me to spill, I’ll do so as best I can recall.

Oops, my bad. one more to add:

Venus in Nappily Ever After. I’m kinda hoping this book gets some fame and attention, although I doubt it. Most people think women are either being their silly, shallow selves or feminazis whenever they talk about the weight image is given in society. Whatever. It’s still a great book, and Venus is a great character.

WHEEEEE!!! I’m not alone! AYAYAYAY!!! I can go on about him AND NDDP for a loooong loooong time. :slight_smile:

The Librarian in the Discworld books.

Also the Luggage. (Funny how characters that don’t speak can be so well written.)

Boo Radley

Delirium from Sandman.


Merry and Pippin


That’s all I can come up with right now.

Yeah, definitely Delirium, photopat. I’m dying to know how she came to change away from being Delight.

One more character…

Albert Knag - in Jostein Gardner’s Sophie’s World. You gotta love a man who plays god.

John Le Care’s George Smiley
Emily Bronte’s Heathcliff
John Mortimer’s Horace Rumpole
Michael Dobb’s Francis Urquhart
Murray Ball’s Cooch Windgrass

1- Peer Gynt from Peer Gynt, Ibsen
2- **Hamlet ** from Hamlet, Shakespeare
3- Don Quixote from Adventures of Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
4- Walt Whitman from Song of Myself, Walt Whitman
5- Sancho Panza from Adventures of Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
6- Satan from Paradise Lost, Milton
7- Roger Mexico from Gravity’s Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
8- Dream from Sandman, Neil Gaiman
9- Wife of Bath from The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer
10 Hamm from Endgame, Samuel Beckett

Oh, Willie Loman too.

There’s been some characters named already that I find quite fascinating (e.g. Woland and MacBeth), but three that immediately came to mind that I haven’t seen mentioned are:

[li]Kurtz (Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness): Sort of a picture of 19th century Europe, complete with vast education, learning, and a desire to do good, but also with a deep core of violence and savagery[/li]
[li]James Gatsby (F. Scott Fiztgeralds’ The Great Gatsby): A man who so wants to remake his past that he ruins his future. A tragic and mysterious modern figure.[/li]
[li]Molly Bloom (James Joyce’s Ulysses): The modern Penelope.[/li][/ul]

Yeah, what you lot said.

Plus Homer Simpson. Is he lucky, or not as stupid as he makes out, or what?