Transvestite characters on TV

How can “transvestite” be different from “cross-dresser”? One’s Latinate; the other’s Germanic, right?

Jodi Dallas wasn’t a transsexual. He was initially a gay man who wanted to have SRS so he could marry his boyfriend. Once the boyfriend was out of the picture, the whole sex change storyline was never mentioned again. The storyline was not presented with anything even remotely resembling reality. Jodi never lived as a woman, apparently never had any sort of hormone treatment and never had any therapy.

In a huge sellout of the character, he went on to “go straight” toward the end of the series.


I had absolutely no idea. I was only a casual watcher of “Soap” and only know of the character because of the frequent mentions of Jodie as the first out and open sexual minority in primetime television, etc. That makes me severely disappointed in both the “Soap” people and Billy Crystal.

Feh on them. Feh on them all, I say! Feh!!!

When and how was the Steve character written out of The Drew Carey Show, anyway?

In fairness to Crystal, he was still a young actor back then who probably had little to no control over how his character was written, and couldn’t afford to walk on a steady paying gig over creative differences.

Although I’m mostly disappointed in Billy Crystal for… well, pretty much everything, really. Except maybe Princess Bride.

If we’re refining the definitions…shouldn’t Beverly LaSalle also be considered a drag queen? Seems to me, she (I suppose I should say he as my point is Beverly is his drag charatcer) dressed for the purposes of performance. Apparently he takes cabs like that sometimes, but in the second episode he got dressed to show Edith what he would be performing in, and found it strange to go out to dinner in drag.

I’m also confused about the distiction you’re making between transvestite and cross dresser.

Gah! I don’t know which was more annoying, when they turned Jodi straight, or the origian idea that a gay man would want his penis cut off (ie, that gay and transexual are the same thing). It offended my intelligence then, and I was ten at the time (which is a shame 'cause I loved that show).

I’m not sure of the details, but sometime between when Drew and Kate broke up and the current season, he just up and walked out on Mimi and Gus.

Also, John Carroll Lynch had gotten a new series, The Brotherhood of Poland, NH. Unfortunately for him, the show tanked almost immediately.

IIRC, he made three appearances. The first where Archie saved his life. The second where Archie wanted to play a joke on Barney (who knew who Beverly was).

The third was a bit severe.

Mike goes with Beverly (not in drag, but carrying his costumes), to the train station and they are attacked by a gang. Beverly is killed. This causes Edith to have a crisis of faith. She had come to consider Beverly a good friend. Hell, even Archie came to accept him.

Didn’t Richard Chamberlin show up in drag on The Drew Carey show?

Yes. As Mr. Wick’s “mother”.

Very disturbing.

Based on this dialog, I disagree.

There was a Ferengi woman on DS9 who dressed as a man so she could do business.

There’s the main character in Quantum Leap, but I don’t think that really counts…

AllShookDown: I don’t see how that exchage shows that Denise wasn’t transsexual. Quite a number of men who transition to women are primarily sexually attracted to women, including at least two members of the SDMB. Denise was apparently (I never watched the show) both transsexual and a lesbian, or at least bi.

To echo masonite: huh?

Wow! Going just off the photos (I don’t have non-broadcast TV), I’d never have guessed.

I’m not certain AllShookDown meant to suggest otherwise, Miller. I infer from the quoted dialogue that Denise did not intend to change her plumbing, and was therefore a transvestite, not a (admittedly pre-op) transsexual.

I admit the dialog doesn’t make this perfectly clear either way.

The way I read that exchange, particularly “I put my panties on one leg at a time,” strikes me as a masculine thing to say. It’s ambiguous, but that’s how I interpreted it.

However, I just dug up this piece of script and I stand corrected.

Though he never actually appeared in person on the show, on the Golden Girls, it was frequently mentioned that Dorothy’s brother, Phil, was a transvestite. (As in, he liked wearing women’s clothes, but he didn’t want to be a woman, and he wasn’t gay, either-he was married to a woman and had children. And no, it wasn’t a sham marriage).

In one episode, he died, and Sophia and Dorothy go to the funeral (with Blanche and Rose, of course), and it turns out Phil wanted to be buried in a black lace teddy. Hilarity ensues.
(You have to admit, the idea of anyone wanting to be buried solely in lingerie and not clothes is kind of kinky)

I’m almost sure I remember seeing Agent Denise & Agent Dennis in various scenes. I’m willing to concede this if documented, but till then I’d say Duchovny played a TV, not a TS.