Tropes you got confused with reality

Well, yeah she wasn’t actually grasping anything, but how you’d exactly seize up with muscle contractions, who can say.

A guy I knew in high school watched his dad get electrocuted when he was unplugging an outdoor cord while standing in a puddle. People do get accidentally electrocuted in household situations.

I’m sorry you suffered so greatly in childhood / teenhood.

Although it appears you drew two real losers as parents, rest assured the reality for most of your contemporaries was not being parented by Ward & June Cleaver. e.g, my own parents tried, sorta, and succeeded, sorta, but deep-seated and unconditional well-timed support was just not the main event. When they were even physically present, which was not as much as one might hope.

As to the azzwipe vs 14yo you, rest assured he’d totally have tried to knock you up had you given him half an inch. Which many, many 14yo girls do and did. Mom was indelicate, but probably not as wrong as all that . Dad being absent, physically or emotionally, was a travesty. I’m sorry you have had to live through that.

If you’d like a belated sweet 16, I’m sure we here can arrange one that will make you cry with joy. Just ask us. We’re here and we are many,.

Oh, thank you. … That ship has sailed, it was long ago, and they are both dead and buried. They really didn’t know any better, about parenting, they got married in their teens in order to have free sex - and I came along and spoiled all. their. fun…I can kind of understand them now. But they were lousy parents. LOUSY.

speaking of tropes that get confused with reality

Trope- the runaway bride or the interrupted wedding. Pretty much, every wedding on TV is interrupted, from anything from a gunfight (okay, we don’t think that is reality) to the bride or groom changing their mind at the altar. While indeed, cold feet is pretty common, it usually isn’t on the day of the wedding.

Trope 2’ “and this time it is personal!” Super common on cop shows. In realty, that would pretty much make any evidence gathered by that cop thrown out, and worthless, not to mention some nasty questions from the Chief or IA.

I did get stuck in quicksand, but if was only a few feet to the edge, and not very deep, and wasn’t that scary- although kinda messy.

Not quite sure I follow.

Lots of people really take lots of shit from friends, neighbors, and relatives about pre-marital sex. Getting all that crap off your back by marrying so you can get it on as you desire seems totally logical and sensible to me. IOW, it’s a sane response to an insane situation. Which doesn’t make it right, just makes it plausible.

What do you think?

I feel sorry for them now. Many years ago, yes, you got married in order to have lawfully sanctioned wedded sex. Fine, great. Exactly 9 months later, I came along and spoiled all their fun. I never heard the end of it. - sorry to de-rail the thread here, I tend to vent and overshare.

A boy and a girl are on a date, when some bully comes over and starts harassing the girl. The boy says something like “You leave her alone!” and punches the bully. Then the girl is like “My hero!” Like in Back to the Future, for example. I was afraid when I got older and started dating that this would actually happen, and I wouldn’t be able to beat up the bully because was a weak unaesthetic kid, not to mention I’d never been in a fight before.

Did you know that most doctors have an app which makes a “clink” sound if they’re extracting a bullet somewhere where they don’t have a metal pan? I guess it’s part of the healing process.

You should have sent away for the free bodybuilding course from Charles Atlas, as seen in every comic book ever published!

How would that have helped with aesthetics?

The art in those comic books was beautiful!

Crap, I don’t know how I didn’t catch that typo. Or spell check fail, rather.

The scarecrow in the first 4 panels was definitely aesthetically challenged until he put on what looks like 30 pounds of muscle…“later”. Like, what, years later?

I found out my wife actually experienced a trope when we were watching a Hulu show called Candy. In the show a husband tries to run the dishwasher because his wife is not around, and he puts liquid dish soap in the dishwasher soap dispenser. My wife says “uh oh. bad idea. His kitchen is gonna be full of soap bubbles”. She said years ago she got a free sample of liquid soap in the mail, in her case I think hand soap, she mistook it for dishwasher soap, and hilarity ensued.

I suppose I can now confess that when I was a kid, I actually did send away for Charles Atlas’s “free” book! Hey, I wanted to be big and strong, and it’s free, right? What was there to lose?

Just in case you’ve ever wondered, what you got for free was a brochure with a bunch of pictures of flexing body builders and testimonials for how Charles Atlas helped them attain their wonderful physiques. And then an order form, along with the details of how much you would need to pay if you actually wanted to buy the real course.

My mother just shook her head with an “I toldya so” expression on her face.

So how much would you have needed to pay, do you remember?

No, I don’t. This was at least 40 years ago. Something that was way out of my age 13 budget, I can tell you that!

Be cheaper to just order an army of Sea Monkeys to back you up on the beach.

Ha, Sea Monkeys were the only thing I ever bought from one of those comic book ads. Not for lack of wanting them-- I definitely had my eye on those x-ray specs. But not only was my meager allowance not going to afford much, I didn’t have the patience to wait 6 to 8 weeks.

Anyway, talk about a letdown! I was only 6 or 7, though was still sensible enough not to expect them to be anthropormorphic and create a tiny undersea Altantis-style kingdom in my fishbowl, like the ad pictured. But the few ant-sized brine shrimp that hatched were extremely anticlimactic. All but one quickly died. The lone tiny brine shrimp held on to life and swam around until one day I accidentally knocked the fish bowl off my dresser when I pulled too hard on a stuck drawer. I remember the lone Sea Monkey swimming in a puddle on my bedroom floor until my mom unceremoniously wiped it up. I started to say- “mom, wait…uhhh, eh, never mind”.

ETA: I started a separate thread:
Did you ever buy anything from those old 70s era comic book ads?

I thought Robin Hood was a real person that existed and that Peter Pan was a story made up by Robin Hood about his childhood. (Like he liked to tell tall tales or something. lol)