Truly evil characters in film and literature

Yes but at least Aaron had a sort of twisted lovelife and admits his misdeeds in order to save his own child, which is a mitigating factor. Iago was just a world-class shitstirrer.

The Thénardiers. Blech!

Curses, now how does the counter-charm go “Hot potato, something something, a pinch will make an end (Ouch!)”

Checking Wikipedia "“Hot potato, off his drawers, Puck will make amends.”

The “Ouch” though is key (it gets louder and louder each time the actors twist each others’ noses

AM (the computer) from I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

Missed the edit - I see I missed BrainGlutton’s post on this topic

Amon Goeth in Schindler’s List- the movie character took joy at randomly murdering concentration camp prisoners (men, women, children, no difference) and the daughter of the real person concedes the real Goeth was probably even worse.

Rose-Anne D’Arcey (Shelley Winters) in A Patch of Blue- a hard partying whore who (accidentally but remorselessly) caused her daughter’s blinding when she was young and hatches a plot to force her into prostitution when the girl’s a young adult and Rose-Anne is having to work as a maid. She also goes berserk when the completely decent guy her daughter has secretly been seeing is black.

Cartman from South Park and Jordan Chase from Dexter.

O’Brien, lady’s maid & Thomas, footman, Downton Abbey are pretty rotten. O’Brien had a few seconds of regret in the last episode & Thomas is heading toward what he thinks is an easy way to avoid battle in The Great War.

Will their rottenness endure? Tune in next season…

Geppetto from the comic series ‘Fables’

also thinks he’s the good guy, has millions killed to ‘save’ billions. From themselves.

That cute parrot? Annoying, yes, but evil?



Xykon, from Order of the Stick. Not that he isn’t funny as hell while being utterly evil.

John Lithgow’s character in the otherwise forgettable Cliffhanger, especially when he says “Sacrifice is the greatest expression of true love…”:

…just before killing his own wife.Apparently, he’s doing it wrong.

I don’t remember Marlo Stanfield or Snoop Pearson from The Wire having any redeeming qualities.

Count Rugen from the Princess Bride. And Prince Humperdinck, I guess. But Rugen was more devoted to evil for evil’s sake.

Like that?

Little House on the Prairie:

Nellie Oleson

Another vote for Blue Duck.

Also, Snoop from The Wire

and Mrs. Danvers.

Johnny Quest:

Dr. Zin

Cathy “Kate” Trask from East of Eden is what I came in to add. A fully realized character that does all sorts of evil. The movie version is great. All the major characters in EoE were based on real people in the Salinas Valley.

Becky Sharpe of Vanity Fair fame. Can’t believe I was the first to come in with that one.