Trump and a POTUS security clearance.

So Trump wants to be just like Hillary?

Here’s another of The Donald’s great business strategies:

Strip the value out of a business, while letting it tank, and letting bondholders, shareholders and businesses all lose money to the tune of $1.5 billion. While making millions for The Donald.

So the Donald’s idols must be Gov. Lepage and Eddie Lampert. Mr. Lampert did the exact same thing to Sears, Kmart, and Land’s End.

One positive thing about Trump getting clearance is that he will *demand *that “the files” regarding 9/11, JFK, Area 51, RFK, J Edgar Hoover, and more will be opened! :smiley:

Of course, we will be reading these files by the light of nuclear fire, so there will be that problem…

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear attacks. If Japan had responded in kind, then we would have had a nuclear war.

Indeed, just two weeks ago:

Could a US President be denied security clearance?

I’m not so much worried about Trump here. I’m worried about Trump here and Putin there.

Trump is the most enthusiastic of any recent candidate for doing the things that lead to lengthy military entanglements. The fact that he thinks that when he does them, they won’t lead to entanglements makes him more dangerous, not less.

It’s the difference between a fight and a beating.

It’s the difference between a sniper shot and a machete fight.

Nah…not unless he thinks his name might be mentioned.


You need to disable that ‘drumpf’ extension or pay more attention to what you quote. It’s altered your quote of JohnT in such a way as to be potentially moderated.

I’ll let it go with a note because I haven’t seen you have a history of this sort of thing. But please be aware of the potential trouble.

Point taken, JC. I forgot I had it on. I’ll disable it. My apologies.

Not if the candidate is a petulant toddler disguised as an adult with a bucket of orange paint and a dead squirrel.

Ah, I see you’re using the “bucket of orange paint and a dead squirrel” extension…

Slate’s Trumpcast podcast interviewed a former CIA who did classified security briefings for presidential candidates (GW Bush, John Kerry, and also VP candidate John Edwards) in the past. Gives some insight on how the process of briefing candidates works. Interview begins around 04:05.

I’m not quite sure I understand OP’s concerns. In the past few months Republicans repeatedly told us, and the FBI later confirmed, that Mrs. Clinton was “extremely careless in her handling of very sensitive, highly classified information". The FBI also told us that it believes the powers, hostile to the US, possibly gained access to her email account. Mrs. Clinton also subsequently lied to FBI about her usage of personal email server. Since, of course, handling classified and sensitive information is a daily occurrence in the duties of the President, this should disqualify Mrs. Clinton from running for, yet alone occupying, The White House.
Yet, you’re concerned about Mr. Trump’s handling of sensitive information? Do you have any evidence that he mishandled any classified information so far?

Time to update your information file. HRC DID NOT lie to the FBI, as Director Comey made plain in Congress. It seems there’s currently some kind of request for an FBI investigation by the Trey Gowdys into whether she lied to the Congressional committee in order to continue the witch hunt.

You’re just parroting attack lines which are demonstrably false. Move along, nothing to see here.

Speaking to the OP, rather than to the obvious distraction of certain posters, I have to say that I don’t think that security clearance should be given to a man who is indebted to Russian banks, and who has said that the US should abrogate it’s treaty obligations with NATO.

Trump is essentially conducting Russia’s foreign policy for them at this point.