Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians, according to US officials

Eh, again, this is just someone putting widely spread rumors in the mouth of anonymous sources to make them seem more sexy and credible. If he were willing to say that Flynn actually did cut a deal it would be noteworthy, but the fact that Flynn might have is the opposite of news. Its second hand reporting of someone elses guesses.

Probably a lost cause, but I wish the major media outlets would knock this off.

Then there was the time Trump went on national TV and asked Russia to hack his opponent’s e-mail.
My view is that the damage has been done whether or not the allegations are true. Russia has denied their involvement up to now. But if they wanted to, they could leak evidence of collusion. So they now OWN Trump by virtue of this issue.

And everyone is talking about the timing of Trumps pro-Russia positions on Ukraine but I think his anti-NATO positions are even more damning. And The Bannon Breitbart alt-right Paleo-conservative contingent is totally into Russia.

I don’t think the Russians ever thought this scam would get this far. Part of the point was to make it pretty clear that Trump was their guy, to embarrass the US at how far an obviously compromised candidate could get.

Indeed, when the intel dossier was published a few months ago, a lot of the media focus was unsurprisingly on the story of Turmps supposed urine fetish. But most of the actual document was about how the Russians were getting increasingly freaked out about how well their plan was working, fearing that the end result would just be a pissed off President Hillary and an American Public ready for the Cold War part deux.

Trump did no such thing.

How do you figure? It was widely reported at the time.

From that link:

That seems a bit like confirmation bias. Trump’s ‘anti-NATO’ position is better described as browbeating NATO into increasing their defense spending. That’s not in Putin’s interest. And Trump has been a huge proponent of fracking and more oil drilling, which affects Russia’s bottom line directly. Putin also can’t be thrilled with Trump’s plan to heavily invest in expanding the U.S. military, nor can he be particularly happy with Trump’s strong Israel positions or the apparent shift towards a more aggressive policy towards Iran,

For every thing Trump has said or done that would seem to benefit Russia, there are multipke others that are a direct threat to Russian interests. So it’s very hard to see why Putin would want Trump over Hillary, whose state department watched fecklessly as Russia gained territory and power around the world.

‘Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.’

Actually, I think that was sheer sarcasm, which is hard to parse when the speaker has no actual sense of humor or irony.

And Mr. Tillerson, prime minister of the sovereign nation of Exxon? His plan to cut a deal with Russia, pump a whole bunch of petrodollars into Putin’s pocket? Did you miss that part, or was it inconvenient? You did notice that he is now SecState, yes?

Which is not the same as asking Russia to hack his opponent. The hack had already occurred. I shouldn’t have to point out that Clinton’s server had been wiped. The emails were completely missing. Not a trace of them were left according to multiple sources and investigations. Trump was asking the Russian’s to find(in another statement he asked them to release) the 30,000 emails. He was assuming the “hacking” had already taken place. The only way on Gods earth 30,000 wiped Clinton emails could have been found was if Russia already had them in their possession before they were wiped.

Unless that is you believe the 30,000 emails were somehow still on Clinton’s server after this statement by Trump?

Yes, it is.

Because Putin hates and fears Hillary far more, and probably knew that Trump would be a feckless opponent.

That’s that settled then. Im still confused as to how a wiped and destroyed server can be hacked. :confused: Far more likely Trump was talking of an event which took place long before he’s discussing it on the campaign trail clips.

She destroyed the server? What, put it in a server destroyer machine, had it ground up? Those things are kinda expensive, maybe you should check your source on that. Either that, or refrain from embellishment. If its not too much trouble.

Or the recipients of the emails were hacked. One likely place to look for such emails might be the gmail account of her campaign chairperson, for example.

Other stories are that he never actually expected his blackmailee to win (who did?), but only wanted his primary antagonist, President Clinton, to be incurably weakened politically, with the possible bonus of discrediting democracy itself among Americans.

  1. Hillary would have actively sought to combat Russian aggression. That’s a lot worse than having someone getting in your way, every once in a while, by happenstance.

  2. Hillary is competent. Where Trump works against Putin, he’ll do so incompetently.

One thing that hasn’t gotten much press, but seemed pretty clear from the Politico timeline, is that Bernie Sanders was also aided by Russia during the primaries. Putin really didn’t want Hillary to get the job.

Golly gee guys, why can’t you see that asking someone to publicly release digital records that are hidden is completely different than asking them to hack.

And why don’t you stop assuming that a president that calls for sanctions relief, recognizing Russia military conquests, cooperation on Syria, and destruction of the most dominant military alliance in world history would be preferred by Putin. Going to far out on a limb!

Nope. Sorry, it was her phones that were physically destroyed; her server was wiped. Every piece of evidence as good as destroyed. Everything. How can it then be hacked? Perhaps you can tell those on this thread embellishing against Trump to stop embellishing too. I suspect you won’t.

Once again though, that would be a hack that had already occurred.