Trump is a threat to our nation, and those who are not actively opposing him are traitors

I have my suspicions that the hospital, the security guard, Casey’s family, and his doctors have lied about various issues in the past. Why are you so willing to take their words for it?

Only *after *his trial(s) and convictions.

I’m not going to give the full summary of all the shady and potentially illegal shit Nunes did with respect to the House Investigation. It is sufficient to observe that he is trying to spread the message that the DOJ is on a witch hunt, which helps Trump divert attention from the disclosure of actual misconduct.

Meanwhile, there is a whole list of scandals and improprieties which neither chamber has even deigned to investigate. President Trump’s lawyer called him a felon last week. Where is Congress? Are they even going to ask questions? (Spoiler: no)

You folks have gone off the deep end. Trump Derangement Syndrome is scarier than I imagined.

Woodward is not, in my mind, all that unimpeachable a source of truth.

But even a stopped clock is right twice a day. And I have no trouble at all believing the essential accuracy of the mock interview story ending with Trump ranting. It’s entirely consistent with Trump.

I did describe and confirmed many times in the past in the SDMB and elsewhere something that I call: the Conservative timeline blindness syndrome. It is commonly observed when timelines on very important subjects are ignored or the posters are blind as to how a timeline wreaks havoc on the beautiful conspiracies that they ponder about “the left”.

It is worse than I have seen when here the Mollusc clearly ignores past posts like #36 so as to allow himself to post asinine things like that one.

I don’t believe he is unimpeachable at all. And he is only as accurate as his sources, of course.

But it’s not like we don’t have a lot of different kinds of evidence pointing to the same general conclusions here. The President is dumb and reckless and wholly incapable of being a responsible office-holder. He has done and is doing long-term damage to our country, and a whole bunch of politicians are protecting him because it is politically expedient for them to do so.

It would take someone who not only feels that assassination is for the greater good, but someone who is willing to sacrifice their own life to make it happen. Individuals bearing the former qualification are probably more common than they should be, but individuals bearing both qualifications are, thankfully, extremely rare.

I can see why you quoted two of those.

This one, however, seems beyond debate:

My confidence that you’re interested in rational discussion rather than trolling grows weaker with almost every post of yours that I read, but I’ll go ahead and ask if you honestly believe it’s deranged to call Trump a “reckless idiot”, and to believe that reckless idiocy in the WH is likely to “get a lot of people killed”, and to believe that he’s doing medium and long-term harm to the country. If so, then (assuming you’re being honest) we live on different planets.

It has “ass” in it. Twice!

I see you are not concerned in the least about the discussion on assassination of the president. That didn’t raise any flags with you? :dubious:

Calling Trump an idiot is not deranged. Calling his supporters traitors, advocating assassination with a flimsy disguise of a ?, and other such language is deranged.

You saying I’m irrational and trolling is tremendously ironic in the context of this thread.

I don’t think he has done great harm to the country. Yet. I think many of his policies and initiatives are misguided and/or downright wrong, but the country is robust enough to recover from his harm once he’s out of office. Now, he’s not done yet and he might very well do great harm eventually, but I don’t see that we’re there yet.

Personally, I think GW Bush did more harm to the country in his first couple years in office. Iraq War, anyone?

Having said that, I’m all for getting Trump out of office as quickly as possible. Start impeachment proceedings. Some would argue to wait until Mueller releases his findings, and that might be wise. I could go either way, to be honest.

The criminal referral *has *to come first for the process to be credible and sufficiently inevitable, both with the public and with history, and to limit or prevent organized resistance.

Impeachment without removal won’t help, in fact the “Both sides do it” yammerers would be inclined to say it was just payback for Clinton if it was even tried. Other than for Presidents, impeachments have all resulted from actual criminal convictions or at least indictments that have not caused their officeholders to resign. It can’t be, because it can’t be portrayed as, an act of political or personal spite instead of the solemn statecraft of protecting our democracy and the Constitution.

So yes, we do have to wait for Mueller to finish, as impatient as we all are. Then we can let reality (try to) sink in to enough Republicans that both impeachment and removal are politically virtually inevitable. If he gets frogmarched out of the Oval Office in handcuffs, that’s just a bonus.

You folks are failing to see the great things Trump is accomplishing. Ya got blinders on?

The stock market is reaching new highs everyday. And the unemployment rate is seeing new lows everyday. Embrace Donald Trump!

Wait for Mueller to finish and certainly wait until after the midterms. Without the political will to get it done, there’s no point in even starting.

Then you’re being incredibly lazy, because I specifically endorsed a post that criticized the assassination language. Just a few posts before your “derangement” post.

Why do you continually do this? You’ve repeatedly called me (and others) out with false accusations. You put very little effort into your posts.

We used to have reasonable discussions. Now you put almost zero effort into reading and engaging, which is why I think you’re mostly trolling.

You quoted my post, and the OP, and called them “deranged”. What in those posts was deranged? I agree that the assassination talk is very bad and well worth criticizing.

Put more than the faintest effort into your posts, and actually read and engage, and stop making false accusations just because you’re too damn lazy to read through a thread, and then you’d be a positive contributor to the board (which, by my memory, you once were).

Good one. That’s exactly what the deplorables would say.

I think his Iran policy is doing great harm to the country. His incoherent NK policy might also, but it’s too soon to tell. His policy of separating migrant families did great harm – not by hurting a few hundred families, but by putting America in the position of doing purposefully monstrous evil… that will resonate in people’s minds around the world for many years, if not decades. As does his rhetoric enabling and praising white supremacists – helping the worst people in America does significant harm to the country.

Those are just a few examples – I think there are several more that also reasonably qualify as great harm.

From a practical standpoint, the earliest it can happen is after the midterms, assuming the Democrats take the house. The only problem I have with waiting for Mueller is that we don’t know how long the wait will be. There’s more than enough smoke to indict (impeach), so it’s not like he would be drummed out of office with a trial (in the Senate). The trial comes later, after the investigation that goes along with impeachment. And, assuming the evidence is strong enough to convict, then if not enough Republicans vote accordingly, then that’s on them, and there isn’t much that can be done about that.

If we’re talking Mueller’s report gets released sometime in the next 6 months, then yeah, let’s wait. The problem is not knowing if it’s going to be 6 months or 26 months.