Trump's grandfather and the sex trade

[Concerned, anti-smoking voice] Think about it, won’t you? [/C A-SV]

Unto the Third and Fourth Generation of them that hate Me

Any of Donald’s manse-dwelling forefathers on the distaff side could have told you that. Plus he’s a Christ.

Personally I’d rather be descended from putative German brothel-owners than presbyterian meenisters any-day — and then again the Hebrew testaments seem sillier and sillier the more one reads them.

Come to think about it, that generations thing was not infrequently used to make banal moralising points against the children of syphilitics back in the good old days.

The Drumpf of Monte Cristo…! :smiley:

So, all royalty then?

It matters because of how Trump got his money. When you are rich because of your family, what your family did to become rich matters. Now, granted, it’s two generations removed, so it doesn’t matter a whole lot. But it is relevant–especially when we see behaviors that seem to have been passed down the family tree.

Forget the brothel part. It’s the exploitative businessman part that is relevant. And it’s the same business Grandson Trump is in today.

And no one holds Trump responsible for his name change. Don’t make up strawman. The point is just to help remove the social programming we have to think that “Trump” means classy or rich. It’s to deprive Trump of the one thing he uses to do everything he does: his brand. Instead of “Trump” the mythical creature, he is “Drumpf,” the man with a slightly silly sounding name.


A/ You think ‘foreign’ names are ipso facto ‘silly’. Good to know,

B/ You think the brand ‘Trump’ means classy. Good to know.

Leaving aside the question of whether Grampy Trump ran a brothel, what I want to know is: if Donald Trump opens a brothel someday, what should he name it?

My suggestion:

I’m with you. I didn’t vote for that killer Laura Bush when she ran.

LOL. And, the same business Hillary and Bernie are in also.

Politicians who steal from one group to give to another so that they, themselves, can profit. I guess their relationship to ol’ Gramps is closer than we knew.


Leaving aside the question of what he should name it, one thing I can assure you is that if Donald Trump opened a brothel it would be the best brothel ever!

Hillary and Bernie are businesspeople?