Trump's Possible Crimes

I for one have no evidence. Trump, as you may know, famously hides his taxes from the American people he supposedly serves. Anyway, Trump’s possible crimes most certainly include tax crimes.

The ape in that video has better hair.

It’s possible if somebody wanted to build a case around breaking up families and locking up children.

I’ll concede it probably doesn’t rise to the level of a crime against humanity. But it’s within shouting distance.

And maybe he shot someone on Fifth Ave. by this logic. Anyway, he can’t hide his taxes from the authorities forever, and as you say, I hope the IRS gets on it pronto. I’m not really so sure, though, why so many think he has cheated on his taxes. I don’t for a minute believe he’s been under audit for as long as he says, but I also think he is smart enough to have tax attorneys and accountants to make sure he gets away with as much as legally possible, without breaking the law.

Like Trump, I prefer to keep my tax records private, and we are allowed to do so by law. Does that mean I should be presumed guilty of crime? There’s been a lot of accusations thrown around by the opposition in the last four years, and it’s already started with Biden. There has been no indictments of Trump and no convictions, yet he’s assumed to be guilty. Whether you like him or hate him, Trump or Biden, I think the character assassination that goes on in the media (and this board) is ridiculous. Assume the worst, and that’s what you’ll get.

It’s a problem here, no doubt. The first political web site I became familiar with so many years ago was the great Bob Somersby’s “The Daily Howler”. Archives, and a link to his new site available here:

His thing has always been that liberals should not use the tactics popularized by Fox News and the like. That when the Rachel Maddows of the world make unsupported claims, they should be called out for it, because in the end it will do more harm than good to liberals’ cause. I couldn’t agree more, and always question assumptions made about Trump, and will occasionally even support him, as I do here. Do check out Somerby. He is the best.

I’d like to think that if the left, while pointing out many things that Trump did wrong, would have left out the other criticisms that they couldn’t support with actual facts, then the Biden things you allude to wouldn’t be happening as much from the right. Wishful thinking, I know.

Based on the sworn testimony of Michael Cohen to Congress, I think there is ample evidence to launch investigations into tax cheating. Here’s one:

You can do a search and find many others.

It’s not speculative when there is actual evidence of cheating. That includes sworn testimony.

Unlike Trump, you are not running for president.

There is a longstanding precedent that someone running for president release their tax returns. There is not a longstanding precedent that you release you tax returns.

So, there is more than just a little bit of a difference there.

He was impeached. As for the reason for no indictments, there is also a DOJ memo that apparently is binding that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

The difference is, basic honest reporting of the facts is considered to be character assassination of Trump, while in order to do the same for Biden requires 15 miles of yarn and a blackboard.

What we have is Trump. There are no assumptions there, just basic observation.


Sure, they wouldn’t. Just like there wouldn’t have been 10 investigations into Benghazi, or emails, or whatever else if it weren’t for criticisms of Trump.

You admit that that the right just makes things up, then infer that “both sides do it” without actually supporting that assertion with actual facts.

I’d like to think that those who criticize the left, while pointing out that nothing that Trump did wrong was all that bad, would leave out their criticisms that they cannot support with actual facts.


You have to have character for it to be assassinated.

Also, unlike Trump, if your tax records were subpoenaed by congress, you would not be allowed to withhold them.

If you refused a subpoena, then yes, you would be guilty of a crime. And it would be a reasonable presumption that you are doing so in order to hide others.

Untrue. He is named as ‘Individual 1’ in the criminal campaign finance violations case that sent Michael Cohen to prison. If he is successfully pardoned, he will likely avoid being prosecuted for that crime. But he is a named defendant in an unfinished federal criminal case.

It is only because of the DOJ memo mentioned by @k9bfriender that precludes charging a sitting president that he avoided being charged with multiple counts of criminal obstruction of justice that occurred during the Mueller investigation. If an average citizen obstructed justice in that way, we’d be put away for an impressive stretch of prison time.

Saying Cohen is a reliable witness is a stretch. The first thing he did after he turned on Trump was to write of book. For money. My own feeling is that whenever the accusers say they are writing a book (for money) about the supposed crimes of a president, I pretty much discard their testimony and public statements. Am I wrong to assume that lieing for profit is a motive for their actions?

Agreed that there should be investigations, as I stated earlier. But to some, it seems to be a forgone conclusion that he has cheated. I’ll hold off judgement until the investigation is complete.

Sure, except his testimony was under oath. Think he wanted a perjury charge that would result in more prison time?

I think you are going to be deeply disappointed with your present conclusions when Trump is out of office and is actually charged and tried for his alleged crimes.

That would not be a reasonable assumption for perjuring oneself, no. It should require a bit more than mere speculation and unfounded assertion absent any evidence to make such a claim.

The investigation was obstructed, intentionally, by Trump while he was president.

If Trump is investigated after he leaves office, will you be happy to see that the investigation that you are calling for is underway, or will you claim that he is only being investigated for political purposes?

This is a thread about Trump’s crimes. Please excuse me for not hijacking. But do you really think the left is above such tactics?

Why would you ask me about what I may or may not claim? Is there some sort of suggestion I am missing here, that I have some ulterior motive? I want to see investigations that are warranted, as I have said.

Of course there’s evidence that he committed tax fraud. Doesn’t anyone remember the Trump Foundation? The supposed charitable organization that he donated big money to? The charitable organization that didn’t even exist? I mean, I suppose that it’s theoretically conceivable that he didn’t declare any of those “donations” on his tax forms, but does anyone seriously believe that?

And heck, there are plenty of other crimes that we have plenty of evidence for. He himself has admitted to sexual assault. He publicly took part in acts of war against the US. Hell, that stunt with the hurricane chart and the marker was a federal felony.

Pardoning war criminals is a crime against humanity.

This is the kind of thing I’m talking about. You are sure that he declared them, but I am not. He very well may have, but do you not even want to see actual evidence before you decide?