Tucker Carlson is in Budapest

Has Tucker Carlso ever been to Kansas City? The downtown is a monument to brutal architecture.

You live in America, Tucker. Odds are, you do live in a city with bullet-riddled buildings.

Wait, didn’t his idol declare all federal buildings should be done up in neoclassical style?

No accounting for taste but also no accounting for any sort of intellectual consistency, either.

This is beginning to sound like The Fountainhead. Mies was more of a glass and metal architect in his prime. Brutalism was going the other way.

Speaking of stories,

“Can we get them to keep him?”
“We’ll likely have to pay a very large reverse ransom.”

You two quoting O. Henry?

Apparently the company employing Tucker’s dad has done some lobbying work for Orban. So that’s nice.

I’m sure he lives in a gated community. I did live in a city full of bullet holes, Leopoldville now Kinshasha after independence, and Tucker is welcome to it.

Tucker Carlson spouts in Budapest
Where they have never seen a ruder pest.

< /My Fair Lady >

Entitled rich white man gets an influential job in a foreign country thanks to his father’s influence.

Hunter Biden wants a word, Tucker.