TV show: The Middle

I don’t watch it often, but I’ve always been impressed by it.

I’m enjoying the new season so far.

I am, as well.

The first couple eppies this season were downers. How can the parents tell an 8th grader “sorry we didn’t feed you tonight, but we used up all our parenting on the other kids and we’ll try again in a couple years”? Sue’s first days at college were pretty depressing. Seems like the heavens were built to shit on Sue. Last night’s was a bit better. Axle’s gf definitely gets hotter all the time.

I’ve watched since the show started. Last week’s episode, in which Sue met her cynical, jaded roommate was interesting. She called her mother, “Did you know that not everyone loves our country? And that policemen aren’t always nice?” She’s so naive. And then at the end when she was so unhappy, her brother showed up and took her out for pizza. He’s a weird character, in that most of the time, he appears insensitive and chilly towards his family. But then he does something like that. (Or the time when the college football coach visited their house to recruit him, he showed up neatly dressed and impressed the coach.) BTW, I assume the parents were fans of Guns N Roses when he was born, and that he was named after Axl Rose?

I figured it was the closest they could get to naming him “Asshole”, like that “Rich Asshole” writer/detective on ABC Monday nights.

There was a lot of coincidence, but I wouldn’t call it truly over the top.
Sue would sign up for every club on campus. (Her bouncing in and out of the frame while Devon & Axl were doing the walk and talk was perfect). She would gossip like that to Axl’s girlfriend without thinking twice about it. And once she found out about the breakup, she would try and make it better…through song if she could arrange it. As the characters did very in character-y things, I can overlook that the situation around them was a little too convenient.

Did anyone watch the new ep? Sue does Rush Week.

I’ve had not a great couple of weeks and I really liked it.

And I will steal a line from Judy Tenuta “I could’ve been in a sorority… BUT I HAD A PERSONALITY of my OWN!”
Before anyone says anything, I have lifelong friends who have been in both.

I thought last night’s wasn’t necessarily the funniest but it was quite sweet. Or maybe I’m just a sucker for The Velveteen Rabbit. “We’re the rabbit”! and then later “we’re the boy” could easily be considered corny and contrived but I guess I’m just a simp because it really did warm my heart a bit.

Also, I feel like I don’t miss this show too often but I had no idea what was up with Mike and the diapers (?)

I have a son exactly Axl’s age. It’s like watching a documentary.

A few episodes ago, Mike and his brother Rusty (Norm MacDonald), went into business together. You know the old sitcom trope of the layabout friend/relative who’s always coming up with cockamamie schemes? Well, Rusty had the idea for “Rivals” - diapers printed with the name of a rival sports team. So if you’re a Purdue fan, you buy Rivals diapers printed with Notre Dame so your baby poops on Notre Dame. Much lulz.

Mike thought the idea had merit and started working on developing it. As of last night’s episode, it appears they’re slowly, but surely, taking off.

Okay, that explains sooo much; thanks! Also, I think it’s an awesome idea. Is it actually made up just for this show?

Yes, it was a cute episode. Sue is a great character.

It’s nice to see an old trope like that get broken. That the idea actually works.

Unlike Rusty’s not-quite-NFL logo’d shower curtains (the Indianapolis Cots?) which apparently were printed with water soluble ink. THAT was typical sitcom shenanigans.

My favorite character on the show is Mike. Mainly because the wife says I am Mike. :wink:

Sue is just annoying.

Hope they keep Sue’s new friend around. Eden Shur plays Sue just perfectly. Brick is just being annoying and I think Frankie is way over-acted. Nice episode last night. That rivals diaper thing really would work. Would love to have a baby just so it could shit on Alabama’s logo, or even better an SEC logo.

Speaking of Norm MacDonald, I was going to ask if anyone else felt like he’s kind of everywhere lately. He’s the spokesman for KFC, the voice of the owl for one of the optic companies, and I feel like I hear his voice, which is pretty distinct, in a lot of voice overs. I don’t mind or anything, I was just wondering if I’m the only one who has noticed a MacDonaissence

Couldn’t tell you, sorry.

I like this show a lot; it’s good and funny. Does it get such little recognition because the lead actress is very conservative politically? (hoping not)