UK politics: Jeremy Corbyn has gone stark raving mad

The world is waiting for evidence - any evidence, if you have some to share please do.

All we have now is Colin Powell grade bullshit, and the word of 4 or 5 groups fighting the Assad regime.

Saddam Hussain again?

He was great at preventing inspections. Colin Powell told us.

Wow. Not even Corbyn thinks the attacks were made up. That is lunar-landing levels of conspiracy theory right there.

I didn’t mention him but he is relevant seeing as he used chemical weapons to kill his own people again and again.

Or maybe you think he didn’t…did those attacks not happen either?

the UN told us, the obstruction was a matter of record. Saddam’s deployment of chemical weapons and attempt to develop other WMD’s is not in doubt by any sane person.

Sometimes a genocidal, maniacal, despotic dictator is exactly what they seem to be. The deaths they cause and the manner of their execution is exactly what it seems and no western subterfuge is needed.

Democracy in action. This and dozens of questions like it put to Theresa May today during the Parliamentary debate:

USA version: ‘mission accomplished’.

I’m sorry to see that up_the_junction has been banned - despite his paranoia about me, he and I agreed on many things - but Corbyn has seriously put his foot in it today, as has Labour. It’s the Windrush Affair, where boarding cards which could be used to determine immigration status were deliberately destroyed, and people are now suffering. Dianne Abbot has called on Amber Rudd to consider her position and Corbyn tried to use Prime Minister’s Questions to blame the affair on May and the Tories. Except that the decision was taken in 2009 - when Labour were in power. D’oh! Basic research fail.

And doesn’t that type of error just sum up Corbyn? He really doesn’t care about the fine details of policy. It’s all about ideology.

Yes. And it highlights another failure of Corbyn: while it’s not the fault of the Tories, the current state of affairs is their responsibility. And they have comprehensively fluffed it. And he hasn’t called them on it. May is a stupid, ignorant, arrogant coward <contd p.97>, but Corbyn is paralytically awful.

I’m sorry, but what bit of the current state of affairs isn’t the fault of the Tories? I mean the Immigration Acts of 2014 and 2016 - the ones designed to create the hostile environment - were passed under their watch.

This bit. It’s still their responsibility, though, because they are in power.

We could ingeminate on the faults of the Tories for a long time. :slight_smile:

Corbyn continues his lunacy by seeming to rule out a Norway style option for Brexit.

This man lives in a bizarre unicorn fantasy world. All he believes is that hard left anti-EU nonsense spewed by Tony Benn and ilk during the 1970s.

And if you read past the title:

I did read the entire article, but Corbyn has always seemed quite set in his ways. I don’t think he thinks in what might be right for the UK or understands that politics is the art of the possible. I see him patting MPs on the head that disagree with him and then plotting his revenge on those that dare to have other opinions.

Good! Corbyn suffers yet another rebellion over his Brexit foolishness. It’s time for another leadership challenge.

Just as the Tories are gearing up for one too. :slight_smile:

I think the election method Labour currently uses is highly unlikely to produce any other result.

Today’s Telegraph cartoon describes May as ‘near extinction’.

So who would replace Corbyn? And how would they fare against May’s likely successor, Javid?

I confess, as bumbled as the Tory end vision for Brexit is, as least I can sort of understand what they are aiming for. The Lib-Dems even more so.

Labour? not a bloody clue, and every time Keir Starmer explains it I think I lose a little more brain-matter. I think their policy-making unit is based on riddle of the the two guards. Except, instead of a tiger behind one of the doors there is a coherent Brexit policy and there are three doors not two, and two of them are guarded by John McDonnell and Diane Abbot, Diane always tells the truth as Jeremy would see it and John always tells a lie but that is actually the fault of the capitalist running-dogs and so what he actually says is true. The third door is locked and Jeremy had the key in his cardigan but that on the nail in the shed in his allotment.

There are plenty of competent politicians in Labour’s ranks that the wider voting public would listen to and warm to. Unfortunately none seem be in charge.

I can sum up May’s (lack of) vision in one word: fudge.

The Lib Dem’s would be a box of Thornton’s continentals, Labour’s would be…?

…I’m struggling here …Licorice allsorts? 4oz of chocolate limes? (a combination that makes no sense and was clearly designed by committee)