Ulp! That was even WORSE than I remembered

One night, a friend and I got so drunk, we actually watched *Billy Jack *all the way through.


I loved it when it came out…and saw it again a couple years ago expecting it to have really been bad…but I still loved it.

Of course it’s an awesome movie! I had my dad make us our very own Conan swords out of wood in tribute to it’s awesomeness. I never said it wasn’t awesome, it IS awesome. I’m just saying it’s a really bad awesome movie.

Roger Ebert’s review picked up on this one:

*“For this to be true, the cast would have had to be fleas or pinworms. And, for all the acting any of them did, they might as well have been.”

Nope…you are still a heretic and will be burned.

History of the World, Part I

Loved it in junior high. Saw it again a few years ago. Strikingly boring.

And this from a fellow who considers flatulence jokes a personal canon.

1979 was the only time in the last 60 years that more than 3 films were nominated in the Visual Effects category at the Oscars, so I think it’s safe to say that under more traditional procedures, it and 1941 would’ve battled it out for the last spot (with Moonraker hitting the skids and Star Trek and Alien locks for nominations).

The Black Hole also has 4 Oscar nominees in its cast (with two of them actual winners). I didn’t know Robert Forster from Adam back then, so it’s interesting to see the film now (though still not particularly enjoyable).

Well additional creepy part was when he turned all of his former crew members into robots/automans. That was unpleasant.

The Last Dragon - the one with the black kung fu guy (Bruce Leroy) and the villain Sho’nuff and the Debarge soundtrack (it was a Berry Gordy production, IIRC) from the 80s. It was the first movie I bought on DVD, because I loved it when I was 14, and I knew it would be cheesy as hell, but it was so bad I had to stop after about 20 minutes.

Also, Kentucky Fried Movie really doesn’t hold up (which is surprising, because Airplane! does). Now I’m scared to watch Excalibur, which I loved as a kid, because I’m afraid I’ll be gravely disappointed.

Not movie, but TV. ‘The Six Million Dollar Man’.

When we were living in Africa, the terrestrial television was absolutely terrible. Dirt-cheap, recycled old junk from the States in the 70’s and 80’s. T$6M Man. Ironsides. Barnaby Jones. Streets of San Francisco. And Baywatch.

I never was a big fan of the show, but I think it cracked the Neilsen Top 10 for at least a season. Possibly more.

This was during the 70’s, when the Apollo program was still fresh and real.

Yet the viewers were to believe that Steve Austin could receive notice that some sort of criminal trouble was brewing on the moon, hop into a spaceship (that evening if necessary), and zip away before the cocktail hour started. The spaceships had ceilings high enough to walk around in comfortably, and desks to sit and write on.

The Bigfoot multi-part episode defies any sane explanation.

For me it’s Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Anyone remember an old show called Time Tunnel? When I was little, that was the Best Show on Television. I liked it better than Star Trek. And it was so real! I mean, Star Trek could never really happen, but Time Tunnel? Could totally happen!

In the 80s it played briefly on Nick, I think. I got all geared up to see it. Beer, popcorn, my Time Tunnel Fan Club T-shirt, the whole thing. I was psyched.

Ugh. I couldn’t make it through the first 20 minutes. I had to turn it off. The plot of that episode? Tony and Doug transport to the Alamo. During the war scene, a space alien showed up. (More like a B-actor in green makeup and a shiny suit.) “Who are you and what are you doing here?” “I am a scary space alien, sent here to destroy your Earth.”

Man, I forgot the Alamo pretty quickly.

I remember Time Tunnel! It played from a larger town and reception was spotty…so I could only see a few episodes…but I ate em up. I saw one a few years ago…and AUGGGG…it was bad.

For me it was SPACE 1999! Ohhhh man! I loved that show! I bought all the books that came out about it…ate that up.

It was the best thing EVER!

Ohhhhh mannnnn…saw it again a few years ago. It was the suck of the suckage of the suck of suckitude.

Thats the whole purpose of cheap Texas beer :slight_smile:

The only think I remember about The Black Hole is Ernest Borgnine simulating the effect of zero gravity by bobbing gently up and down.

…and here I thought I was the only one! :slight_smile:


I remember thinking it was a fun adventure movie. I was seven.

I watched it again a few months ago. Dear good Og. It wasn’t worth the netflix postage. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was seriously disappointed by The Black Hole when it came out. Disney had gone to a lot of trouble with its ACES camera control system, and got some gorgeous-looking (if intellectually stupid) effects, and got hold of some Real Stars (Mimieux, Borgnine, Anthony Perkins, Roddy MacDowell, Maximilian Schell!) and some tolerably clever dialogue. I was pulling for it. But then they changed V.I.N.C.E.N.T.'s design from the reasonable, multi-armed robot it originally was to that stupid red, Goofy-Eyed cutesy thing, came up with a similar robot named “old Bob” with an inexplicable Texas accent, and other stupdities.

They seemed ignorant of the laws of physics (Just because you’re near a Black Hole doesn’t mean you’re going to get sucked it – you can safely orbit one; the aforementioned presence of air in the ship even after a big flaming – flaming? – bolide crashes through the side).
But the biggest problem is that they had this idea for a setting, but no idea of what to DO with it. The script had five names on it, including Gerry Day, who co-wrote (uncredited) the equally drifting Watcher in the Woods.
Overall, it has some very pretty visuals, but it squandered a lot of talent and doesn’t make a heck of a lot of sense.

John Barry also did the score for Starcrash, which he later cribbed off of for Moonraker. *Starcrash *has sooo much worse going for it than The Black Hole ever did. :eek:

You mean a skater dude coming of age rebel movie? LOL