Unbuttoning after a large dinner

Do you do it? And do you consider it appropriate?

I tend to do it after almost every dinner I eat. I tend to bloat up like a balloon when I eat large dinners. My mom HATES it when I do it. She says “it’s not a ladylike thing to do,” and she’d always scolds me for it whenever I’m eating with her somewhere. By contrast, my boyfriend could care less. He just shrugs.

Is it that taboo, or not?

I say if you’re SO is cool, you’re golden.

Are we talking about at home meal? Do you do it at restaurants?

Both places.

It’s behavior akin to scratching your balls.

At home, no holds barred.

Out in public? I tend to not be aware of what’s going on around me, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone in a restaurant behave like this.

I can’t say it would bother me, either at home or in public. I tend to gravitate heavily towards informality in general. No point in being a slave to one’s culture I always say.

I can’t imagine eating so much in one meal that my pants wouldn’t fit.

Sounds like your pants don’t fit in the first place.

I would rank it up there with chewing with your mouth open. Sure, I have some friends who would do both. I make it a point not to eat with them.

They do before I eat.

Then there’s a little something called a “food baby”.

Which button? Trousers definitely not; waistcoat yes, but one button only.

Yeah, exactly what are we talking about unbuttoning here, and how many buttons?

Unbuttoning of pants.

I thought it was more of a common thing, guess I was wrong.

That wretched term aside, it seems to me if one meal makes your pants so tight that you have to unbutton them, in public no less, that they’re either too tight to begin with, you’re consuming too much in one sitting or there’s a gastrointestinal issue (which I certainly hope is not the case :o ). Not to be mean, but yes, in my world at least, it is not done.

The unbuttoning is one thing, but your use of that term might cause my own food to rise back up. Your metaphor of choice involves eating a baby…

Funny. :wink:

Unbuttoning one’s pants? Totally unacceptable at a restaurant or other public place. Nor at someone else’s house or at your own house with guests over, unless you and they go back a long ways.

I have never heard of this activity.

Perfectly said. How I yearn for the days of manners.

You’re eating too much, then. It’s gross behavior anywhere, including at home.

It’s a stereotype post-Thanksgiving meal behavior.