University benefactor and board chairman uses N-word

Papitto responsed to Ms Roberts’ accusation by stating: “Bitch better chillax and stop player hating. That ho keep snitching she gonna end up all murk.”

How may orifices you got?

“I apologized for that,” Ralph Papitto said in an interview on WPRO-AM. “What else can I do? Kill myself?”


I’m pretty sure that is the only recourse a white male has after saying that.

Why not to name things after living people, reason #37.

Well, the other choice would be to offer up an insincere-sounding apology laden with lame excuses, then immediately start acting defensive. Oh, wait.

The opposite didn’t work for Imus, and all he said was “nappy-headed ho.”

Fact is, there are words white males absolutely, without a doubt, cannot use publicly. Every other combination of race and gender? Well, we tend to look the other way and/or make excuses as to why it’s OK they used them.

It’s all bullshit.

I don’t see how a white female would have gotten off any easier for using this particular word, nor an Asian or Hispanic man. And to hell with “publicly” - I would have told the guy to STFU for using it in my presence alone.

Imus apologized to anyone and everyone who would listen, including people who just wanted him to shut the fuck up. He didn’t start refusing to apologize and acting defensive until it was clear nobody cared about his apology or the “I’m a good person” stuff.

Doesn’t bother me in the least. Maybe because I’m smart enough not to call people niggers and hos in the first place.

See where I said, “The opposite”

What is this implication? I don’t want to make assumptions.

Got it. That should’ve been obvious…

I thought you were saying “it’s bullshit that white guys get victimized by this system.”

No, what I was saying is that people, of any color or gender, shouldn’t get free passes for saying crude things, not that white guys should be able to say them.

Ok, I agree- but I don’t see the excuses cropping up when other people say these kinds of things, though.

Maybe he could claim to be Viet Cong.

Really? So it’s not publicly OK for blacks to call a black person a “nigger” or a white person a “cracker?”

I actually heard “cracker” used on network TV. I don’t recall when or what I was watching, but I heard it, and thought to myself – “What the hell?”

No, he was the founder of the colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Interesting fellow - he had the wacky idea of trading honestly with the Native American population, instead of killing them and taking their stuff.

Only reason I know that is I went to school in Rhode Island - Roger Williams University, actually, Class of 2006. And, for what it’s worth, the vast, overwhelming majority of us are not racist jerks like Papitto. RWU really is a good school - I hate seeing it get publicity for nonsense like this.

I’d welcome any questions you guys have about the place, by the way. I doubt it’s worth starting an “Ask the RWU Alum” thread, but I’d be glad to answer them here.

FTR, I think a black person (or any person, but who else would say it) who calls a white person a cracker should be dealt with similarly.

I heard it too, and was shocked. Fuckin’ Keebler elf is a straight-up bigot, man.

I know what it was – it was on Last Comic Standing. Big black guy (don’t remember his name) was doing his stand-up.

Of course, any protests and demands for apologies would be shut down by the usual suspects as racist.


No, it isn’t. And there are lots of people–Black folks, even!–who’d tell you the same thing. Or have you not been around enough to already know this?

Unless this was just a rhetorical question, and I’ve totally missed your intent, in which case I’ll apologize.

Well, of course I’d have to hear the context, but, generally, as with “nigger,” I’d agree that this may very well be :eek: -worthy.