Unprofessional Moderation

Jack boots are unprofessional?

Color me surprised.


Right, because his board would no longer exist.

I’d kind of like to have moderation done by Grimlock.

We’re considering this guy:

I hope you don’t do that Dave.

@Riemann for mod? I always assumed his avatar was HAL 9000.


Way off topic now, but I don’t think his avatar is HAL9000. Take a closer look at it.

I think it is an Einstein Ring.

That specific picture is from the Hubble, pretty cool.

Oh, I guess you’re right.

That’s why they pay you the big bucks!


I’d forgotten how closely the HAL logo resembled the IBM logo at the time. And of course, much was made of the fact that the letters H-A-L are each one removed from the letters I-B-M.

But who knows. Much was also made of the fact that the initialism of the new operating system Windows NT was “WNT”, each letter one removed from “VMS”, the name of DEC’s flagship operating system at the time for the VAX/VMS series of computers. The primary architect of VMS was Dave Cutler, who was later hired away by Bill Gates to work on the next-generation Windows OS. Which came to be known as Windows NT. And as much as the story might be bunk, there are strong cultural similarities between VMS and modern Windows in terms of terminology and constructs like “process”, “context”, and “services”.

I worked at DEC during those years, it was intentional.

I read a forward by him where he says it was total coincidence, but a pretty good one since he was composing said forward on a computer that IBM had given him as a gift.

If you think it’s bad when posters are complaining about insufficiently tone-policed moderation, wait to you see the complaints when the diction pedants and their ilk get a hold of a Grimlock style warning:

“Me Grimlock laugh at small creature who make big problems.”

“Me Grimlock ban small poster for 6 months!”

Chalk me up as another one that doesn’t understand this. It’s not even a warning it’s just a mod note. Read it and move the hell on.

Anyone who recognizes me probably knows like 90% of my posts on the board are humorous asides and jokes. And yeah I’ve been modded for making jokes in inappropriate forums when I’ve lost track of where I’m at. It happens, it happens to everyone. It’s understandable that’s why the mods are generally lenient about things like this.

If people think the current moderation is strict they would have hated this board circa 2004-2005. David B or miller would have slapped the hell out of some of these trolls.

You wouldn’t want The Mods to lose their amateur standing, would you? Then they couldn’t compete in the Olympics!

Bloody peasant!

Come and see the violence inherent in the moderation.

This thread makes me snicker. I just came back from spending a few days on the Letsrun forum, following an ultramarathon cheating thread. Good place to go to talk about running, but a seriously toxic community. Makes me appreciate our mods all the more.

Hey, just don’t tell him to lie to us about something, pretty please!