Upset stomach and diarrhea shortly after eating. What's coming out?

:smiley: The toilet said,


They’re welcome to have it.

Thanks, I have to poop now.

I hope this isn’t ‘thread shitting’

This has nothing to do with rotten or spoiled foods, but ever since I became a vegetarian I have to make a run for the bathroom every morning feeling like I have to poop NOW. It’s usually after I eat my breakfast (whole wheat toast with coffee). I don’t think anything’s wrong with the toast because I eat it at other times of the day without a problem. It’s very strange! Maybe something to do with more fiber in my diet?

More likely the coffee, my coffee habits were the first thing they checked on before diagnosing my IBS.

You know what’s strange about this zombie thread? (A rather ordinary one at that, which only had 16 posts before it was resurrected) It has received 66, 469 views in 6 years. Comparable threads, in terms of replies, from that time period (and from GQ) only typically got 500-5,000 views. I guess a lot of people Googled “diarrhea”, found this thread, and read it.

Most pointless bump of all time? Perhaps. But funny!

it’s a hot topic.

He was looking for a thread about six year old diarrhea and this was as close as he could get.

eta: insert fecal necromancy joke here

OP, your thread title disgusted me. And immediately after that I realized: you know, I’ve wondered that same thing!
:eek: :smack:

I’ve gotten peristaltic rushes when I smoked a lot of weed.

I thought after I ate at Denny’s that it was the drip coffee!..because I’ve gotten the diarrhea pains before from drinking drip coffee, but my boyfriend says no. I did eat a homemade pot roast that was very oily last night, but we had pot roast a couple of weeks ago and didn’t get diarrhea. So, it’s either the drip coffee or the greasy pot roast. I drink white coffee, white chocolate espressos every day, but get no reaction from that though…?

Since this the second or third time this got bumped, I see what I said in the pulled quote.

I have no idea what this means, or what I meant.

I can get upset stomach and diarrhea reliably after eating certain foods. My triggers are dairy, chicken, and certain sauces. I love Fettuccine Alfredo but it’s tough on my stomach. Last night it was chicken salad on toast with potato chips. In both cases I’m in the bathroom within an hour.

Mine is processed smoked sausage and cheese. I usually mix it with some pasta sauce and rice. Within the hour, I have the “rush” that’s described above.

I have no idea what that would be it. Not any other processed meat, not any other cheese or rice or anything. Just that. Occasionally, I get that after a McDouble, but not always. It must be some kind of fat response.

I’m not gonna lie - sometimes when I’m “slow” (my bowels are all messed up) I’ll eat it on purpose.

I had bad diarrhea for about 6 years after eating any kind of meal. Turns out I have celiac. Good thing to get checked for. Doctors couldn’t diagnose it for five years. I can tell you within a half hour if any type of food has gluten in it. Very painful and shitty. Literally.

There like yummy we are getting fed around here.

At least you don’t throw up.

There must be some degree of “flushing the system” that happens.

When I had food poisoning, it got to a stage where I was essentially just pooping water: no opacity, no viscosity, virtually colourless. I don’t think that was just ordinary faeces that hadn’t been dried out sufficiently.

(No such thing as TMI in this thread)

I will occasionally use maltitol based diabetic candy instead of a laxative … I have determined that my gut likes to over react to both laxatives and umm, antilaxatives. If I use either one, I get about a week of my gut doing whichever the drug is supposed to do in a day. Nothing like a single dose of exlax and the runs for a week. Hell, even the nice reasonably gentle kaopectate and I am constipated for around 3 or 4 days. Immodium, forget crapping for at least a week. Maltitol, the runs for about 4 hours and that is it.