Urgent help. I am stuck

This thread reminds me of this often referenced Reddit thread:

Stuck in bathroom after I pooped my pants. Help!

No prob. The fall/break actually turned out to be a good thing because it started things in motion for me to break (get it??) up with my then-boyfriend. Sometimes you need a good swift kick in the kiester to wake you up. [/digression]

Just so you don’t feel alone, I was wondering the same thing.

I’m sorry, I don’t understand this. Can you explain what you mean by “planting one foot against in (it?) the ground”? Thanks.

I shut mine for extra warmth. Also because I take really hot showers and if I don’t shut the door the steam escapes the bathroom and sets off the fire alarm hanging from the ceiling near the bathroom door.

Very informative post. I found it most helpful. I thank you very much.

Like this.


I apologize in advance for saying this, but I really, really wish I had video of this. :slight_smile:

I don’t care when I’m having a bath so much but I have a cat who like to look into the toilet while I am using it. I am a girl so not standing up :eek:

Glad you got out okay.

Don’t buy a new door, or even new door hardware. That is the responsibility of the property owner. Notify the property manager that you require a repair.

Well, I am the owner of the apartment…