US measles cases at an all time high

Highest in 15 years ≠ all time high.

I think it should be germane to discuss how many children are killed in automobile collisions every year when we talk about vaccinations and childhood illnesses, since everything is about the safety of children. We really need a vaccine for bad driving. :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could say that no kids died last year from measles, and no kids had to get a measles vaccine?

We’re there, but with smallpox, not measles. Guess how we got there. Hint: it wasn’t by having smallpox parties.

Around here, if you check out a child’s titters you get locked away for being a pedophile.

Now, titers are another matter. A young infant would probably have some titers against measles if their mom either had it or was vaccinated. Not sure that would mean too much.
One of the cases of measles I.D.ed lately was a kid who was in Indianapolis for the Superbowl and spent a day in the “Super Village” with hundreds if not thousands of other people. Good thing most of them were vaccinated.

You’re doing it wrong. You check their titters by telling them a joke that features poop or farts. That’ll make most kids titter.

I’m not sure it would work on a newborn, though.

It’s not actually a parenting board, but this place seems to attract some smart moms.

What do you think? :dubious:

Although with rubella, it would likely be the grandkids who get autism, not the kids.

A new law similar to welfare fraud? Exploiting herd immunity, getting the benefits while lowering the threshold and endangering others?

I’m very grateful for the MMR vaccine. I never had to have rubella (which I imagine is not pleasant), and I don’t have to worry about getting it now and having it affect my baby.

What, no Kanye reference to go with that?

Seriously, anti-vax is one of the saddest forms of modern ignorance out there. It’s one thing if people believe stupid conspiracy theories or reject accepted scientific theory or whatever, because it just makes them look like morons, but this ignorance specifically harms and kills other people, like the children they refuse to vaccinate or in some cases people who DID vaccinate but catch it as a result of these other unvaccinated people.

As far as I’m concerned, all the deaths above the trend when this whole anti-vax thing gained momentum are the direct result of this. I really hope this spike is an anamoly.

Penn and Teller did a great visual demonstration on Bullshit!. The point was that even if the anti-vaxers were 100 % right about autism and other stuff, vaccinations would still be more than worth it.

I wonder if anyone has a youtube link to that?

(I do not have access to youtube at the moment)

Here you go.

Wait, what? What’s with that European statistic? What are you implying by it?

It’s certainly not in line with any stats from the UK. We do have the measles vaccine too, you know.

And I still got mumps last year - while on holiday in the US.


I’m sorry to hear that. Mumps sucks.

The Brits have been stupid with the MMR on occasion unfortunately. Wakefield is a Brit. Widespread publicity of his idiocy helped pushed down MMR rates in Britain in recent years:

Wakefield’s stupidity is still having force today. There were over three hundred cases of measles in the first quarter of 2011 alone:

I would like to know why the French seem to be at the epicenter of the epidemic.

I try to avoid Mothering, but I picked up that course information from a Facebook page called Proud Parents of Unvaccinated Children. I’m sure they’ll be very pleased. I’m taking the course, and so are a couple friends, who also got the info from antivaccine pages.

Actually, they did have smallpox parties. They were called “army camps”. Didn’t work out well though, immunization-wise :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it’s true, but it’s largely not an anti-vaccination problem in the EU itself. (Though Romania and Italy were, IIRC, rebuked by the WHO for publishing inflated vaccination coverage numbers.) There was an article on it in the Lancet, I think, which showed that in the 90s the EU received a significant amount of immigrants from India and south- and west-coast africa, where the MMR immunization coverage is worst. (50-79%) And, for some reason, parts of New Zealand.

If so, how ironic.