Variables for Donald Trump to win the election

Speaking gaffes are not going to cost Clinton this election. But you have to acknowledge the reality that Trump makes more speaking gaffes in an average week than Clinton will make in this entire campaign.

Hillary Clinton isn’t perfect. But she doesn’t have to be perfect to win. She just has to be better than Donald Trump.

Somehow I feel as though something’s going to happen on September. If nothing happens in September, it’s over.

ultimate11 wrote: "Somehow I feel as though something’s going to happen on September. If nothing happens in September, it’s over. "

They’re called October surprises for a reason. Personally I’d expect it maybe even in November just before the election so people only have the time to react to it viscerally, and not have time for the reasoning process to sink in.

The “October Surprise” has been a thing in US politics ever since I can remember. (And Wiki claims the phrase originated in 1972, so, yeah).

The only one that had a chance of swinging the election may have been Hurricane Sandy in 2012… but that didn’t come close to doing so, and wasn’t of human origin anyway.

I see that Romney’s “47%” comment is listed by Wiki as a OS, though it actually came out in mid-September.

You forgot one…

Trump will win if Aliens descend upon Earth (and 'Merica) and reveal that Hillary is actually their Alien overlord who feeds on earthling babies.

Of course this all must happen on live TV (Fox of course)

If and only if this happens, Trump will win by 4 points and Alec Baldwin and I can move to France :smiley:

Uh, nope.