Vat Grown beef? Why Not Vat Grown Lobster, Crab?

Yes, but with tridents instead of pitchforks.

The thing is, cattle is normally grown on ample pasture. I live in Missouri, and most of my neighbors are cattle ranchers. You want 2-3 acres per cow, and those ranches look damn near idyllic. The cows, which are valuable creatures, are sleek and fat and healthy, roaming around with their calves in huge pastures. It’s true that for the last month or so of their lives, they usually are sold to a feedlot for further fattening, but they have at least a couple of good years being pampered cows on the range. I’m pretty comfortable with the way we grow beef in these parts.

Factory farmed pigs and laying hens concern me more.

In the not too distant future I see eco friendly non human powered bikes. Powered by cylinders containing frankenmusle. Every couple of months you’ll swap out cylinders and have a really nice meal.

Couple of good years? American industrial beef steers, these days, get six or eight months on the range, and go to slaughter around 14-16 months, counting their time in the CAFO. Which is not healthful or idyllic.