Vegetarians Are Intolerant Jerks [Moved from BBQ Pit]

I think you’re confused…



I stand corrected - I meant Augusta National Golf Club, of course, notorious for their refusal to admit black members until 1990.

If I ran a forum called “General Sports Discussion” and you came in and posted “I hate the Red Sox! Go Yankees!” I’d allow it. But if I had a forum “All Things Red Sox” and you made the same post I’d ban you immediately.

And here you are.

You weren’t by any chance posting THIS?

Trouble is, they’re right. I’ve known it for about forty years now, and still can’t get to it. If only vegetables didn’t taste so much like plants…

But I’m wrong, and I know it. By just about any reasonable measure, the vegies have got it right. So why shouldn’t they be smug about it, they’re fucking right!

Caveat: Not quite sure about raising kids that way. Known a lot of vegetarian raised kids, just as healthy as any other, but seems to me to be a mite thin. I lean towards letting vegetarianism be an adult choice, but recognize that as a practical matter, thats just not sensible, esp for a household of limited means.

Still, they’re right and I’m wrong.

I tried it for a while. I tried vegetariaism, veganism, macrobiotocs. None of took. The problem is that the food sucks. Plus, I think it’s kind of a fraudulent lifestyle at the end of the day. It’s not a natural diet for humans (people should eat LESS meat than most Americans do, but it’s not natural to eat NO meat), and from an ethical standpoint, it’s futile. Farming crops still kills animals by the dumpster full, so you might as well eat some cow or pig and actually enjoy your life instead of nibbling on spinach leaves and always being hungry.

I also think a lot of them do it as some kind of fashion statement, like other people are going to be impressed by their ethical standards. No one is ever impressed. Just so you know.

I think it’s bullshit.

I’m not a vegetarian for a good reason- I live in a place where it is pretty much impossible. Even if I worked at only eating vegetarian dishes, there would still be meat stock, etc. and there is nothing I can do about that. Additionally, I live in a strong “banquet” culture where I’m often invited to eat and to reject the food given to me would be a grave insult to my hosts.

But I was a vegetarian for ten years and still eat vegetarian in my own house. If they want to judge me, I guess that’s their choice. But it makes them intolerant jerks.

Such as?

But, in this case, the vegetarians in question (those running aren’t judging the OP for not being a vegetarian. They are judging him (by way of banning) for acting like a douche and sidestepping their membership policy. There’s a difference.

Can vegetarians be judgy? Sure, I guess, but so can members of any group.

And I’ve met my fair share of veggies who have no problem with my dietary habits. Hell, my best friend is vegetarian, and cooks his Boca Burgers on our beef-char-covered grill. And then pretends it doesn’t make his bland-patties taste waaayy better. :smiley:

You’re such a fucking asshole sometimes. Go fuck yourself.

My brother and his wife are vegans. I deal with it.

Except, they both cheat when they know the other wont find out. If they’d get into some kind of amnesty program, they’d probably be back on the meatwagon with the rest of us humans.

As a side note, I’d pay a reasonable amount of money to watch an American vegan try to explain why they’re a vegan to a starving African kid. Alternatively, for the right amount of money I’d simulate that conversation myself.

At least these vegetarians are up front about rooting out those who stalk the forum and don’t want to leaf voluntarily.

If you want to beet them, you can’t join them.

That was pretty corny.

Yeah, what a ham.

Wait. . . what?

This is the sort of retarded logic that people dredge up when they’re desperate to do anything they possibly can do discredit vegetarianism.

Most vegetarians i know, including me, are well aware that, to a considerable extent, the dietary choices we make are a luxury that comes from leading relatively comfortable lives in a modern industrialized society. Whether one is a vegetarian for ethical or health reasons, or some combination of those, the fact is that the ability to make a choice generally presupposes a certain minimum level of economic wherewithal.

But the fact that a starving African kid might have trouble comprehending the rationale behind American vegetarianism does not make vegetarianism (or veganism, or whatever) an irrational or stupid choice. That same African kid would probably wonder why some people spend $400 on a cellphone, or $150 on a tie. What the fuck does any of that prove, except that some of us are more fortunate than others in the choices we are able to make?

The interesting thing is that, despite the title of this thread, i find it’s far more common to find meat-eaters who deride vegetarians for their dietary choices than the other way around.

You want to eat meat? Fine, go ahead. I really, truly don’t give a fuck. My wife’s not a vegetarian, and i’ve never tried to convince her to become one. I’ve cooked meat for her before, and will do it again. I also don’t consider myself ethically superior to people who eat meat. Despite Diogenes’s retarded blatherings, i don’t do it for anyone except myself.

I didn’t insult you, dude. What is your problem?

I’m not real interested in your victim politics. I didn’t say it was a good argument, I said it would be fun to watch. Like it would be fun to watch someone try to explain to a cow why we wear shoes made of his skin.

The crowd over there can be pretty dense at times. Most of the educated people bailed a couple of years ago, leaving mostly teenagers and forty-year-old tree huggers. A few months ago somebody asked whether eating fish should be considered ethically separate from eating the flesh of mammals, since fish have no cerebral cortex and are neurologically not much more sophisticated than a swimming Venus Flytrap. It’s a perfectly valid question, and one that almost inevitably comes up during any intelligent conversation on vegetarianism, on the Internet or off. Although the person received a couple of reasoned responses, most of the replies consisted of anthropomorphic nonsense such as “fish are intelligent animals who go to schools and have mommies and daddies who love them.” I’m not making that up; one girl actually said that. However, don’t assume that they are all pompous, self-righteous AR elitists. There were a few in the past, but they left because the board wasn’t hardcore enough for them. Diana is about as close as anybody on the board gets to fitting that description, but even she tempers her opinions to some extent when the subject of peaceful coexistence with the carnivores comes up.

Someday when I get time and money (as if I’m ever going to have both simultaneously) I’m going to start a board for people who practice veg*nism for scientific reasons as opposed to ethical ones, as there isn’t a single forum anywhere devoted to that subject. I’ll let you know if and when that happens. Until then, well, the rules were clearly stated, and the mods there are notably uptight about it. The only discussions that are permitted concerning meat consumption are those that come from people who are seeking to reduce or eliminate their consumption and need advice on how to go about doing it. Don’t sweat it; you’re probably not IP blocked, and even if you are, just unplug your modem for a minute and reregister under another user name. I wasn’t a strict vegetarian when I first started posting there, but I just kept my mouth shut and didn’t advertise the fact. Next time show a little restraint and decorum, OK?