Vibration and itchy hands

Try running a 90 lb. pneumatic jack-hammer for 6-8 hours. :eek:

I know exactly what that itch feels like, all the way up to my elbows. :frowning:

They do not know what causes this, and may be genetic. Dr Hirsh Komorow at NIH in Bethesda is researching this. I have gone twice for blood tests, vibrational trials. He and his staff are great to work with, and just going to the NIH is a trip.

Here is the web link , Sarah Arceo the referral coordinator is great also.

I was going to post almost this exact same thing. Mowing the lawn, running or walking fast, jacuzzi jets - all make me itchy. It’s even worse now because my diuretic has my hands and face and feet itching all the time anyway and those activities make it even worse.

My boyfriend thinks I’m nuts. None of these things make him itch. I’ve also recently started playing raquetball (by myself) and the vibration of hitting the ball is an itch inducer too. I’m going to try an antihistamine next time I go to the gym.

Nonsense all of it. Itchy hands is a symptom of zombieism!

Professional singers’ vocal cords vibrate a lot, to say the least. Any cause and effect cases you know of?