Visiting Scotland - advice?

The hope really is to not do to much driving any single day, like 3 hours tops. We know we won’t be able to see everything we want to but we also don’t want to try a whirlwind go go go trip where you see everything but enjoy none of it.

There seems to be a lot of green space in between Oban and Edinburgh, any must see spots off of the A85 - A84?

I suppose we could do another day in Edinburgh, rather then stop halfway between Oban and Edinburgh, that would give us an afternoon, 2 full days, then a morning followed by a train ride to London, and 2 full days in London.

It’s a drive through a lot of great scenery. Pack a picnic (from the green seafood hut, trust me) and just stop somewhere nice. You’re spoilt for choice. I just hope the weather improves - we’re having one of those summers where the jet-stream is to the south of us, so not great so far I’m afraid.

Do thay still do that amphibious tour that goes into the Clyde for part of it in an old military DUKW (aka Duck)?

In Glasgow try and go to one of the Rennie MacIntosh tea rooms and the Glasgow School of Arts.

I loved Scotland. I was there in July, but next time hope to go in the summer.

When do the mosquitos die off? We’ll be there at the end of September / beginning of October and I hate hate hate mosquitos because they love love love me. Need to know if I should pack my deet.

You’ll be just catching the end of midge season. They aren’t that bad in most places though. If there’s any kind of breeze at all, then that keeps them away.

The banks of Loch Lomond at sunset on a still day is the worst I’ve ever experienced. They don’t seem to bite me, but the sensation of hordes off them crawling on the face is not pleasant.

Yeah, sorry about that, we’d scheduled summer for the afternoon of the 25th May that year.

It got cancelled in the end.

An ex colleague hails from just north of Oban. He reports that the mossies form large clouds. Don’t pack deet - they probably won’t allow it on the plane anyway - but buy it here.

Or, if you see Avon Skin-so-soft spray on moisturising oil for sale in an outdoor shop, buy it. We swear by it as the best accidental midgie repellent there is.

(not a whoosh)