"Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!" Appreciation Thread

I liked the guy who designed bicycles. “Have you designed anything really innovative lately, like maybe a bicycle with three wheels?”

“…you mean a tricycle?”

I usually enjoy it. I even enjoy the left wing jabs… usually. Every so often you get a few overly smug pretentious people on there that just suck the life out me when I listen to it.

All in all, one of my favorite podcasts.

I had another thread about comedy where I told about my favorite Roy Blount Jr. moment, and it’s worth repeating here because it’s from Wait Wait.

There was a question to the panel about when George W. Bush had been asked to name his greatest moment as president. He supposedly said it was catching a large fish at his ranch in Texas.

The panel ran with this for a moment, making predictable remarks. Then Roy came in and said in that folksy voice, “I’d like to defend the president on this. I think he was right!”

They were discussing the shoes thrown at Bush; how he ducked, stood back up and had to duck again. Was it Roy who said, “I don’t think he was down their long enough to do the math the first time.” ? :slight_smile:

I love this show too, but only hear it when in the car. I really enjoyed Peter Sagal’s book, The Book of Vice: Very Naughty Things (and How to Do Them).

I like the show, but I think they need to find some better female panelists. They usually (always?) have two guys and one woman, and if the woman isn’t Paula Poundstone, it’s almost a given that she’s not going to add anything to the show except the most obvious jokes.

I was an answer to the “Lightning Fill In The Blank” round once!

One of my favorite podcasts, for sure. It’s an entertaining way to stay in touch with current events, especially catching up on some news that you missed during the week. What’s nice is that you can play along during the show.

For any Boston area dopers I have an extra ticket due to someone not being able to come for tomorrows show Thurs 10/8 at 7:30 PM. you can contact me at russvig@hotmail.com

You got locked out of your house in your underwear while chasing after your pet turtle?

I think it’s Charlie Pierce (from listening to this week’s episode’s podcast), who really gets loud when he finds something very funny, unless Felber does it too. I normally like Amy Dickinson (the “Ask Amy” columnist who also does the occasional Talk of the Nation segment), but she has this weird giggle that bothers me upon repeated hearing, and she uses it a lot.

Were you the guy dressed as Thor who chased down the burglar?

Boy, if I had a dollar for every time that’s happened.


No, a friend and I decided to protest AOL in a fun way. We heaped up literally tons of their CDs. On the scale of Cosmic Importance I think it ranked slightly above that guy with the biggest ball of twine and slightly below Ghandi.

That may indeed be the case!

I think you might be talking about P.J. O’Rourke, whose laugh is the sound you hear when you look up “braying” in the dictionary…um, the one that talks, I mean…yeah…

My favorite “Not My Job” guest was Kevin Clash, who performs Elmo on Sesame Street. He demonstrated some amazing vocal gymnastics and this version of Elmo is a lot more street-smart than the one on Sesame Street.

And freaked Peter right the f&ck out in the process, IIRC.

I listen about once a month, on the way to or back from Visitor’s Day at the elephant sanctuary. You guys gotta give a vague date so I can download the podcasts.
Hey, look what I found!

Perhaps you’ve never seen this clip of Elmo with Ricky Gervais?

Here’s the one with Elmo. Scroll down to “Not My Job.”