Was Abraham Lincolns Assasination part of a Greater Conspiracy?

On the late, great TV series Homicide: Life on the Street Detective Crosetti’s hobby/obsession was the Lincoln assasination. He conjured up some great conspiracy theories. The original poster should get the dvds for the first couple of seasons and learn what Crosetti’s ideas about Abe’ shooting were.

No, you’re thinking of Woodrow Wilson w/ respect to the tapdancing.

Isn’t there a rule against hate speech?

bolding mine

Struck me as a sports rivalry thing, or a college rivalry thing, or he wouldn’t have mentioned the university.

Of course! Because Lincoln was elected in 1860, Kennedy in 1860, and there are seven letters in each last name, so since obviously there was a CIA-Mafia-LBJ-FBI-Roman Catholic conspiracy to plant murderers on the grassy knoll, there must have been a tremendous conspiracy to kill Lincoln, too! :rolleyes:

Clearly Booth, an army-trained sharpshooter, was just a patsy for the DAR. The real shooter was standing on the wood stage of Ford’s Theater, on the glassy gnarl, next to the three bums.