Water restriction fine. How should I prepare for court?

I did wonder if that was something that I could do, but the officer told me I should get it fixed at a shop, and the invoice would get the charge dismissed.

I suppose an affidavit by a cop that the light is working should be enough as well, but I’m not quite chummy enough with cops that I was comfortable seeing if I could go that route.

You should always check every now and then. I’ve had acquaintances picked up on bench warrants for all sorts of silly stuff. They had no idea that there was anything out for them at all, till one day, a routine traffic stop turns into a night in jail, missed work, and an impounded car.

You’d easily be able to tell where it is by whether or not the water bill is commensurate with what it would be if you watered your lawn.

If not- i.e. your bill hasn’t changed much for years, then it’s likely on the city side of the meter (where the demarcation between their responsibility and yours), and not only should they rescind the fine, but they should come out and fix it.

In my city I am responsible from the shutoff out by the curb to the meter. City is responsible for the meter, then of course the I am responsible for the house.

So how’d it go?

The case was dismissed due to lack of evidence on the part of the city. The judge didn’t even show up to court :sweat_smile:

We walked in, sat down, Obie came in with the twenty seven eight-by-ten
Colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back
Of each one, sat down. Man came in said, “All rise.” We all stood up,
And Obie stood up with the twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy
Pictures, and the judge walked in sat down with a seeing eye dog, and he
Sat down, we sat down. Obie looked at the seeing eye dog, and then at the
Twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles and arrows
And a paragraph on the back of each one, and looked at the seeing eye dog.
And then at twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with circles
And arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one and began to cry,
'Cause Obie came to the realization that it was a typical case of American
Blind justice, and there wasn’t nothing he could do about it,

The OP said it would be a municipal court. These are usually presided over by real (municipal) judges, even in small cities. Think Night Court.

Oh, No. Hell No. Even if you are billed thousands of dollars for an underground leak you can’t even see, you pay. Water companies are notorious for this. Their responsibility ends at the connection at the street. This why if your water company offers insurance on the line to the house - buy it. In the case of this type of leak they will (probably) drop the sewer charges.