We Are Fresh Out Of Planet : My fears about the long-term in the U.S.

Nah, Mars might have too much radiation.

Besides, we just can’t keep moving every time we trash the “house.” Pretty soon, we’d run out of planets.

Well, hopefully that won’t happen for quite some time. Preferably after I’m dead and gone. I don’t see much hope for mankind in the future. All y’all want to do is fight and complain. (y’all know you y’all are)
I’ve always tried to live as a peacemaker although I can see the point in trying to rid the world of folks like Sadam and Osama…problem is that folks like Bush are the ones doing it.

Hell, the Bushes aren’t much better than the Osama’s of the world. A choice between evils…:frowning:

Don’t mind me, it’s been one of those days.

Now, come on . . . I hate Bush with the burning passion of a thousand blazing suns, but I still wouldn’t compare him to Osama. That’s going a little far.

We are not “fresh out of planet!”

What we’re “fresh out of” are honest politicians (i.e., those who’re willing to ensure that food and available wealth are correctly distributed).

There’s absolutely no problem with feeding this entire world. The only difficulty is dealing with how so many of our corrupt pols interfere with proper dispersal of all these resources.

I remember a Herblock cartoon from over 30 years ago.

A figure representing the United States is hanging up his police riot gear (labeled “WORLD COP”) and changing into overalls and straw hat (labeled “WORLD FARMER”). He says something like “It’s more enjoyable and it pays better too.”

A 1000 suns huh…how many suns for Bin Laden and Hussein?
BTW, I’ve read a lot of history on the Bush dynasty and am not getting into that here BUT, I’m still not so sure about that bunch.

I feel a little more optimistic today about US (us, you know, regular folks)…maybe we have a better chance than my earlier post reflects. I just get so damned sick and tired of the eternal bitching, moaning and fighting around the world and here at home.

Perhaps a few nukes is the answer…global devastation, wipe out most of the human race, then start over…

NO that wouldn’t work because the assholes in charge are already hiding in their bunkers…all three of the aforementioned pricks. Hiding out and playing fucking war games. They should take the leaders and put them all on a damned island with each other until they work it out.

Sorry about the profanity…I gotta get off this subject. It’s Sunday and the skies are clear…think I’ll go out in my garden and plant something. Yeah, that’s the ticket…maybe go fishing too.
