We can't state opinions as fact?

Yes you do.

I totally have you mixed up with someone else. Apologies.

To everyone I entreat: really? Really??

Yes, really.

I accept MOL’s apology.

I never thougth Dio was a troll, just really obstinate. Until this thread.

Keep going Dio, this shit is hilarious!

You’re stating an opinion as a fact. That is against the new rules!

I did preface with “I thought”, so I should be cool.

You jumped the gun, Dio. That comeback would have been withering (*) had it been a propos. She quite clearly said she “thought”.

() not*

This is one of the funniest things I’ve read from you in a while. You don’t have a history? Seriously? You’ve posted 17+ times a day, EVERY day, since you joined in 2002.

You indeed have a history (and presumably a lot of free time). How can you not?

And your method of communication easily qualifies you as the Cliff Clavin of the SDMB.

or not. :dubious:

I do not have a history of trolling which was the accusation I was responding to.

Is that an opinion, or fact?

This is not true as clearly evidenced in this thread’s history:

Dio didn’t use a semicolon here, but the logical implication seems to be that he doesn’t have a history of posts that are in part responsible for derailing threads. He seems to be implying that the “history” is an illusion due to a conspiracy among others.

Here Dio is denying a posting history described by MeanOldLady, one that was not referred to as trolling, but outlined a few specific observations about his posting behavior.

Dio has curtly expressed that the word “troll” does not apply to him, yet he has not addressed any of the observations made about his posting behavior, which refer to the history in question. The history that supports the observation of “trollish” behavior, though call it what you will. I have further pointed to specific posts he has made, and he has not responded. Furthermore, he is currently putting on a display of precisely the behavior I have described and predicted elsewhere in this thread. He denies he has a “history” in a way that appears obtuse, so that numerous responders are baited into proving him wrong. He could at any time allay the “confusion” through a sentence or two of explanation, but instead he continues to poke the beehive until when backed into a corner he clarifies his position just enough to free him to begin the process over again. I have witnessed this happen so many times that it has become a sort of comic relief.

That is a fact. I have perfect knowledge of my own mind and intentions. I am not speculating or guessing. I have never trolled.

It would seem, Dio, that many of the posters in this very thread disagree with you. Why do you suppose that is?

I do not have any such history. That is a fact. What I do have is a history of getting piled on by by people who can’t tolerate someone disagreeing with them.

What she said about my posting history was false. I have not exhibited any of the characteristics she attributed to me.

These “observations” are not accurate. The behavior and motivations I’m accused of exist purely in the imagination of others. If you think you have a legitimate gripe about me, fucking REPORT me.

I neither know nor care.

I can state as fact that you appear to care.

Then let us into that mind of yours Dio: respond to my questions about your posting behavior.

I have little hope for such a response, so, for the sake of discussion, let’s just suppose that the accusation is “behavior consistent with trolling,” not one of intentions.

On the contrary, most of these threads contain people who disagree with you, while at the same time making concession after concession as if to show you that giving ground on points of reasonable discussion doesn’t result in public shame. It’s like bringing out a potty training doll, and showing little Dio that it’s okay to make in the toilet - yet you keep filling your pants up with crap every single time.

I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about, but it sounds like your expressing opinions as fact.