We have met the enemy and s/he is us: "good white people"

I am heartened by the response; hopefully oredigger’s views will someday go extinct.

I disagree to an extent. If someone has a BLM sign on their lawn but then actively opposes desegregation because it might have some negative impact on them or their family then they are hypocritical. Black lives matter, but not as much as me.

I strongly recommend that everyone listen to this podcast - it is well worth the time. It’s about how “nice white parents” actually create problems in the schools. Only the first two episodes are out, so I don’t know where it will lead, but so far it seems quite germane to the discussion.

See how long it takes you to accurately predict the outcome when Ron starts fundraising for the school.


Thanks for posting this link. I listened to the first 15 minutes so far, and it’s very interesting.

IMHO, housing and neighbourhoods are more about class than race. Sure, if there are more per capita rich white people then race enters into it but not as the “primary focus”. Strictly my opinion of course.

Bull! it is NOT racist to want to live on your own property instead of being in a building with 50 other families. I LIKE have a garage and a backyard (except when I have to mow). I LIKE having apple trees, grape vines, blueberry bushes, and a patio to grill on.

I lived in an apartment when I was single in midtown and that was fun. But with a family? No way.

Frankly I wonder how long it takes the “nice” white liberals being bashed for not being… I dont know what to call it… maybe woke or not being the right kind of liberal or whatever… how long will it take for them to just say screw it and quit donating to lib causes and voting democrat?

Well I’d agree with that. I guess it depends on what “good white people” means.

If it just means someone who protests for BLM but does little to campaign for changes to zoning laws in their area, I wouldn’t necessarily call that hypocritical. We all have lives to lead, and maybe issues with zoning will rise to public consciousness later.

If it means someone actively fighting integration, sure, there’s hypocrisy there.

How does @urbanredneck2 think that this:

means this:


Me too [grabs pitchfork, heads towards tumbrel]

< omarlittlevoice > Depends on how shitty and selfish they are, I suppose. [drags on menthol cigarette] < /omarlittlevoice >

How shitty and selfish do you have to be to decide to vote Republican, anyway? Somebody here will probably know.

Nothing I said would restrict your ability to live in a single family home with a yard.

Everyone who has the ability to choose where they live, conservative or liberal, chooses a place they like, and do not want their hometown to change, because then it may not be a place they like anymore. This is natural, but it also perpetuates inequality, as puddleglum noted in post 36. Local zoning restrictions interfere with (bestill my liberal heart) the free market, and prevent an efficient use of the single most limited resource in our economy, land. Not in conjunction with some grand plan, but instituted town by town, at the lowest levels of government.

You like the status quo. It’s not racist to like the status quo. You are not personally responsible for the status quo. However, we must recognize that others do NOT like the status quo. When we (those with political influence) fight to maintain the status quo, we prevent changes, we deserve responsibility for it, because we influence what tomorrow’s status quo becomes.

It seems that the thread contents are talking about the actual hypocrites here. The examples given are people who actively fight things that would lead to integration, which wouldn’t make them “good” in my opinion.

It’s sort of like people who complain about “nice guys” but every example they give are of guys who aren’t actually nice.

But a lot of the time the phrase does refer to people who they call insufficiently activist. It’s difficult to be sure a lot of the time which ones the user is referring to. People who merely support and do not actively oppose progressive measures without demonstrating or organizing or proactively sacrificing seem to be the least of our problems in America now, at least since Obama got elected and the proud racists started to come out of the woodwork.

Nonsense! If you are going to give something to the poors, then you must take something away from the urbanrednecks! It’s like… the law, or something.


Children in poverty probably need more expensive education. Whether they need a 40% more expensive education like the cite says is unclear.

What bothers me is the dishonesty that makes people thinks school funding is dependent on local taxes and that means poor students receive fewer resources.
Take this example from your cite

We focus specifically on state and local revenues and
exclude federal sources because federal dollars are intended
— and targeted — to provide supplemental services to
such specific groups of students as those in poverty, English
learners, and students with disabilities.

They write a report about how kids in poverty need more money and ignore the multi billion dollar programs that target kids in poverty with more money.

There are some who are even willing to shell out over $2,000 for black women to come lecture them about their racism.

Do you have a problem with people voluntarily wanting to learn more about eliminating their own racism?

Exactly. If there is some new term that refers specifically to people who engage in the kind of hypocritical examples cited in the OP, then…OK, I guess.

But OTOH, if it’s a vague term, then I have a problem with that, because accusations of hypocrisy are a standard deflection tactic. “I don’t need to address the problem you’re currently highlighting, because I can think of some other problem you are not talking about”

Confessions of a White Suburban Liberal.

This isn’t about eliminating their own racism. This is group guilt therapy. And it’s cringe inducing as fuck.

How many people at a dinner? 8-12. For $2500 a plate, they would be better off pooling that money and donating it to an inner city school or program. Maybe go volunteer at that school in addition. Instead, they get to share their guilty feelings about negative reactions to seeing a black person drive through their neighborhood. They submit themselves to some sort of shaming by the black guest speaker, who they outnumber btw, and feel like they’ve done their part. Sure, it’s better than being a Trump supporter. But only just.


Read it again, it reports also the before mentioned 8% that is the typical part that the federal government gives to those programs, the rest (the local funding) is the lion share, so that is why they do not concentrate on those programs.

What it shows to anybody else is that there is a need for more federal intervention to counter the inadequate funding at the federal and local level.