We should all be ashamed about how we are treating poor Mr Bush.

Bolding to emphasize my sincere and heartfelt desire that this come to pass. Oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please…

Maybe George P. Bush?

Should I have cause to do so (been tossing around making a political post to my journal… haven’t done so in a while)… would you mind terribly, (or that is, would you allow me to) quote this post with credit? It’s just such a well written little summary…

Sure, if you like, but do me one favor: remove that stray comma after “Following” in the second paragraph. How I missed that on edit, I do not know, but how embarrassing…

Fuck that motherfucker. He’s led us into a war on false pretenses, let a city drown, and shown that he doesn’t give a fuck about the welfare of Americans as long as he can try to remake reality.

I spit on George W. Bush.

We should all be embarrassed that we didn’t listen to Kucinich and impeach GWBush.