Wednesday's Child is full of Woe. But I'm looking forward to new Wednesday series. Addams Family spinoff [Open Spoilers as of 2022-12-07]

I couldn’t get thru the first episode - maybe I need to give it another chance.

I can’t believe I initially missed the joke about the gorgons (“they get stoned too much”) smacks forehead. Later they reprised thr joke and I got it for the first one.

Loving the tongue-in-cheek humor and the constant callbacks to jokes from earlier versions. Thing is, of course, a hoot - anyone know of some of his signs are truly ASL? It seems like he occasionally spells out a word or two.

I got that, but missed the “you rang?”.

Wasn’t there a “Girl Scout” call back to Christina Ricci’s best line in the 1990s films?

Yes - she said something about having an uncle who went to prison for eating real Girl Scouts.

Just saw the dance scene. Wow.

{ Seinfeld } It was like a full-body heave, set to music. { /Seinfeld }

I never saw “Carrie” but I’m assuming the ending was an homage to that one?

The ending of the dance was absolutely a homage to Carrie. Even the joke about pig’s blood.

Have I mentioned how much I’m enjoying each episode title? Deftly working “woe” into well-known phrases …


I loved that too.

And it’s a lovely homage to the previous Addamses.

Some good news:

So pretty good sign for a season 2.

At the end of the last episode, my wife said to me, “So like Murders in the Building, there will be a season 2.”

In the coffee shop. Came from coffee shop guy.

Another Easter Egg/callback not mentioned yet, one of the photos on the wall in the secret society is Ignatius Itt.

I hope so. These days most TV shows end up feeling like background light and noise, but this one was excellent.

I totally missed that one! Heh. Thanks for pointing it out.

I fell off mid first episode also. When they started showing the cliques at the school (these are the vampires, these are the werewolves, etc.) I just kind of rolled my eyes thinking “hasn’t this been done to death already?” But if others thought it was great maybe I should watch a bit further.

Part of what made it great was Jenna Ortega herself. She really committed to the role. Learned to play Cello and to Fence for what were really fairly small scenes in the end.

But this might also come down to do you normally like Tim Burton films? I seem to love them. So Wednesday is right in my wheelhouse as I also love the old Show and the two movies from the 90s.

I’m mixed on Tim Burton, but I really enjoyed Wednesday.

Mrs. Geek isn’t a Tim Burton fan, but she is enjoying the show.

I was surprised to see the negative reviews that the show has been getting. I think it’s good, but then I am a Tim Burton fan and also a big fan of the original series.