Weight-lifting question

Lower body strength not his strong suit, huh? Well, there’s an easy fix for that…:smiley:

Seriously, I would expect that lower body strength is exceptionally important for wrestling. Isn’t it all about keeping your balance?

That’s what I do to, leave the collars off the end of the bar. I work out at home. It’s rare that one of my roommates will be home when I lift. It’s even more rare that one of them will hear me & respond when I yell “spot!”.

BTW, I don’t know what my max is. I bench, pull-up & squat. Of course I do other excercises around them, (like crunches), but these are the 3 core excercises I do & I divide my workout in 3 days by them. Like I said, I don’t know what my max is. I only know I look good without a shirt, and that’s what it’s all about :wink:

Lower body strength not his strong suit, huh? Well, there’s an easy fix for that…:smiley:

Seriously, I would expect that lower body strength is exceptionally important for wrestling. Isn’t it all about keeping your balance?

Lower body strength not his strong suit, huh? Well, there’s an easy fix for that…:smiley:

Seriously, I would expect that lower body strength is exceptionally important for wrestling. Isn’t it all about keeping your balance?

“Maxing out” at age 16 is definitely not a risk worth taking. It can stunt growth of long bones. He still has growth plates that can be fairly easily compressed.

Here are some articles to read:




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