Weight Loss for the obese and good medical news thread

Me too, as of this morning. 28.9,

So I did drop a pound at least. 2 days at 244lbs.
Walking and eating less, I need to mix in another exercise. So I’m going to try and start my knee exercises back up. I should be doing these anyway.

So I weighed in this morning and was down to 243.5 pounds.
I’ve added in knee exercises I had done from Physical Therapy a few years ago. Most articles I’ve read strongly indicate just walking and watching intake aren’t really enough for losing weight. So when I don’t have a project, I’ll try to do knee and back exercises also.

My weight can fluctuate as much as 2 pounds in a day, so the daily weigh-ins are for my eyes only, and I only record once a week. Usually the pattern, in the case of a drop of more than a pound, that it bounces most of the way back. If it doesn’t bounce all the way back, I count that as a win.

Yes. You wake up lighter in the morning from having drunk no water while sleeping. Eating a meal and drinking water can add a pound. Exhaling a lot, exercising, can drop you by another pound. I’ve gone up or down by 3 pounds in a little more than a day. Generally, weight loss is only worth tracking from band to band - i.e., “I dropped from the 200-210 pound band down into the 190-199 pound band over the course of two months.”

I try to consistently take a morning weigh-in.
I mean today, was 243.5 at about 7:30am and after lunch and walking 4000 steps plus the knee exercises, I was 245.1lbs. (I don’t normally do a midday weigh-in, I was just curious how much weight several cups of water, coffee and lunch added.)

Yes, I weigh myself at the same point every morning: before eating or drinking anything, after going to the bathroom, and without clothes. So the variations I put down to differences in my consumption, digestion, and elimination between one day and the next. The pattern of actual weight loss only becomes clear over time, usually one or two weeks.

Yeah - I really need to do SOME kind of strength training. I’m quite certain I have lost muscle mass over the years.

I weighed in this morning at 242.2 lbs. I’m getting close to my first semi-goal of 20 pounds. Weekend steps were over 25,000 and work around the house and knee exercises all probably contributed. So a little over a pound was dropped last week.

Years back, I had one of the older spring-based mechanical bathroom scales, i.e. highly inaccurate. For lolz, one day I weighed myself before and after breakfast, and was amused to see that I’d gained (or maybe lost) 20ish pounds in an hour! Needless to say, I discounted those readings. Our newer scale seems to be a great deal more accurate; if I try multiple times in a row, it gives the same reading.

I weighed myself at the beginning of my clear-liquids day before a recent procedure, and then the morning of the procedure; against all expectations, I had GAINED 3 pounds. And 3-4 more over the next few days. I guess my body was holding onto fluids.

It took a week or so for those 6-7 pounds to go away.

In more current news, I’m down a few more pounds. I’d still have to lose another 30ish to be “normal”; not sure I care about that, honestly. It’d be nice to not need the BP meds at all any more.

My first goal post is crossed. 20 pounds lost.

241.1lbs this morning. So good news. The weight loss continues.

My phone informs me I’ve lost 7.3lbs over the last 30 days. So doing pretty well.

I’ve increased my steps this last week, betting over 10,000 all but one day. I’m fighting after dinner snacking and doing a good job of keeping my meals smaller.

Wednesday, I was already at my goal and went downstairs and added 2500 more steps on the treadmill while watching the Yankee Game on Prime.

I’m trying to keep up other forms of exercise besides just walking. So a lot of minor puttering is happening around the house and yard.

I went on vacation, and ate way too much for the last five days of it. My weight has slipped back firmly into “obese”. (I was at the top of “overweight” for a while.) Until i recover from jetlag, etc., my goal is just “don’t over eat”, but next week i will start trying to eat a bit less, and see if i can’t get back to overweight.

It really is a struggle and so much can throw us off. I fear and ankle or foot injury, they have derailed me before.

I usually do OK on vacations as we tend to be very active, so the over-eating isn’t reflected immediately on the scale. My problem is that it tends to re-enlarge my appetite and then I return home and don’t bring it under control again and gain weight after the vacation is done.

I was afraid of that, but my appetite has been modest since getting home.

My vacation was also quite active, with tons of walking every day, but i stayed at a place with generous buffet meals, and the food was unusual enough (and limited enough in type) that i always had a nagging fear that i wouldn’t find anything i liked in my next meal…

Back home, without that insecurity, I’m back to my usual intake. But i need to cut back to shed those extra pounds.

It is probably going to rain later, but already over 11,600 steps for the day after a long walk we just got back from and a decent walk this morning and a little puttering in the yard.

Right now the weight loss is going well, I have to hope nothing happens to disrupt it.

Went to my PCP for a general checkup on the 13th. Last September I had seen my OB/GYN in the same practice.

Don’t know how accurate the doctor’s scale is, but the doctor’s says I’ve lost 7 kg (15 lb) since September.

Today I got back on my own scale which says I’ve gained 1 kg since May 5th, which is probably related to being at home during the day (which can lead to bored eating) and not being able to get to the gym. Since my home improvement project is mostly finished, I should be able to resume my normal work schedule, which includes going to the gym.