Weinstein accuser accused of sexually assaulting a minor

How would you feel if you were working in a business and you found that the only people who got good jobs were those who were willing to have sex with the boss? Even if they were doing it voluntarily?

Do you feel that your unwillingness to have sex with your boss should be a factor in holding you back from success in your chosen profession?

Do you feel that there should be different standards based on whether the employees and bosses in question are men or women?

If you were the owner of a company, how would you feel if the person you hired to manage your company was making business decisions based on whether or not your employees were offering sex?

I don’t think he is saying that at all. He’s saying that many victims of sexual crime can be flawed people and it makes absolutely no difference if they are. They were still the victims of crime.

If I am remembering correctly AK84 is a lawyer that has worked with a number of victims of sexual crime. I rather doubt that his opinion. I think you are reading his comments in an as uncharitable view as possible.

Possibly. Certainly worth withdrawing my conclusion due to the uncertainty. However since victims of sexual assault suffer physiological damage, claims that physiological damage lead to the sexual assault bothers me for some reason. And in looking through the thread I see I’m not the only one.

Oh, please, tell me how your personal or professional experience makes you an expert on the demographics of “most victims of sex crimes”. Full stop. :rolleyes:

Stating that, in general, victims of sexual crimes are not necessarily going to be people I wouldn’t invite into my house means I’ve bought a fairy story?

Show me the statistic that most victims of sexual crimes are addicts and prostitutes. I’ll wait.

Frankly, your “expertise” is actually about a very narrow sub-set of women who are victims of sexual crimes, and your ham-handed attempt to to present yourself as an expert on sexual violence in general falls flat. You’re out of your element, Donny.

read up a little about the statiatics and then let me know how 1 in 6 American women are not welcome in your house.

Sex crimes are sufficiently prevalent that I think it’s safe to say that most women who were victimized don’t end up as criminals nor prostitutes.

This survey puts sexual assault victimization at 27% of the (female) populace:

It’s reasonable to say that prostitutes are not 27% of the population.

Certainly there’s a correlation between sexual assault and poor life outcomes, but it’s not a foregone conclusion.

I have no idea who this person is or why she is famous. The only thing google tells me is Weinstein jerked off in front of her and she has shitty tattoos.

Thank you for sharing.

Asia was popular in the 90s into the 2000s in B films and foreign films. She was a poor man’s Angelina Jolie for a while. Also her father was a fairly good Italian director, Dario Argento who directed the excellent movie Suspiria.

And she worked with her accuser when he was nine in what is now an aptly named move: “The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things.

The other 80 women have nothing whatsoever to do with the hypocrisy of one of the accusers committing the same crime.

Sweet Baby Jesus… it looks like she was banging some random dude while being Anthony Burdain’s girlfriend and that’s why the poor guy offed himself. She literally cucked him to death… and this was the star of poundmetoo movement??

What are you talking about?0


What a vile cunt… and a rapist to boot.

…you removed the context from what I said. Please try again.

That’s enough.

Around here we pride ourselves on civility and debate. Let’s not get carried away.

I’ll keep this as civil as I can and request a cite for your assertions that rape victims are often sex workers, addicts, thieves. Because they don’t jibe with statistics. Sex workers have a greater chance of getting raped, but that’s a far cry from asserting that most rape victims are prostitutes.

If your answer is from your own experience in whatever capacity, I’ll match that with my own. I was sexually assaulted at age 14 by a stranger. At 14, I wasn’t allowed to date, let alone prostitute myself. No drug use and no petty crimes. Then there’s my best friend back then, who was acquaintance-raped at 15 and who also doesn’t fit your profile. Or my college roommate’s friend, viciously date-raped. Or the other half-dozen rape victims I’ve known, none of whom were prostitutes or had criminal records. But anecdotal evidence is not the same as data, right? Right. So let’s not generalize from personal experiences. Just because you’ve known rape victims who were sex workers, criminals, and addicts doesn’t make your assertions true any more than my experience or those of women I’ve known prove anything conclusive.

Let’s stick with data. Show us your cites.

I got here late.
So the logic is, because one of his accusers apparently committed sexual assault or harassment, that invalidates the accusations against Weinstein? Or is it that it’s OK to commit sexual assault because *everyone *does it?

The only other thing I can guess, is the OP is railing against a media that has buried the story. But that premise is refuted by…the OP’s link.

#MeToo won’t survive this. It took about 4 months longer than I expected.

Winners: Due process and therefore (sigh) Trump.

Could you point out what exactly in that article relates to your post?

Oh boy… So this broad with ugly tats was sleeping around with some Frenchy, Anthony’s got a wind of it and up the rope he went.
But the real victim here is, apparently, the broad with ugly tats
It’s like we live in a bizarro world, I tell ya

Pretty much everything. Ugly tats was banging some French dude, Anthony Bourdain found out about it, and instead of throwing her ass out, decided he’s had enough. Ugly tats is the victim here, though. Poundmetoo and all.