Weird Celebrity Dreams

So weird to see this thread. Here’s the dream i posted on my livejournal just yesterday:

I couldn’t fall asleep last night until after 1:30 AM. Once I fell asleep I was okay, but then I had this really strange dream.

I was in a production meeting for a new Joss Whedon show/movie. And Rip Torn was there. And a bunch of other people and we were all gathered around, sitting wherever we could - on windowsills and desks and there was even this bed shoved up against a corner that people were all sitting on.

So the meeting’s going along and all of a sudden, I hear my phone ringing. I’m so embarassed because I don’t want to interrupt this very cool meeting and now everyone is looking at me. So I’m trying to find my phone and it’s not in my pockets and then we realize it’s stuck between the sheets on the bed - so they are laughing a little and hand me the phone and i slid the bar to turn it off.

But It Keeps On Ringing!

So I try every way I know to silence it. Meanwhile the entire room is staring at me, because I’m interrupting the meeting. So I leave the room and go out in the hallway (which is like an Atrium with hallways looking down on the floors below and curved steps and all that. And I’m literally tearing this phone apart. Taking out the battery (which suddenly looked like the RAZR phone battery I replaced for mom on Sunday) And it’s still ringing! Then I start really taking it apart, only now it’s a fancy time piece and taking off this batting and removing gears and fuses and it’s still ringing.

I’m thinking: I’m ruining this watch but maybe I can use the parts for Steampunk!

Then my friends Matt and Abby appear and they are in steam punk and they are looking over my shoulder and I’m telling them how I’m supposed to be in a meeting with Joss Whedon but I can’t get this thing to stop ringing. And they are like, “wow, you really have torn it apart - what’s the deal?”

And I keep finding little compartments with wires and fuses and tiny tubes and I keep disconnecting them and they are still ringing.

And then suddenly I realize it’s my alarm clock going off in my room and I wake up and spend the next several seconds trying to find it because i had left it in my purse.


So I fell back asleep until 7:50 and then got up and got dressed and arrived at work at 8:45.

The end.