Weirdest belief/idea you've encountered

I have heard many times that it’s illegal to drive a car while barefoot. That’s not true in Ohio, at least. Not sure about other states, or other countries.

Sounds like a road trip to fight Johnny Law!

I work in a large R&D lab with about 400 other engineers and scientists. For a decade I worked with a really smart engineer in our group. Let’s call him Bob. He was absolutely brilliant when it came to metallurgy and mechanics. Bob was so highly esteemed by his colleagues that he was the first employee to be nominated a “fellow” in our lab who did not have a PhD. (He has a BS and MS.)

Bob retired in 2015. He lives pretty close to me, in a very rural area on ten acres of land. He and his wife never had children, and his wife died of brain cancer in 2018. He lives alone now.

I’ve been over to his home a few times to help him with stuff. The last time I was over there was in 2018. At the time he was ranting and raving about the dangers of 5G, and the dangers of “Smart Meters” that are being installed in homes by power companies. He showed me a handheld meter he just purchased that measures EM fields. As we walked around the house, he showed me how the meter detected strong fields near his printer and landline phone. He said he was going to get rid of those devices very soon.

I’ve been wondering how he’s been doing over the last few years, so I emailed him a couple weeks ago and asked if I could stop by sometime. Here is his reply:


I pray all is well with you and your family. Sure, you could stop by sometime but I want you to understand a couple of things first:

  1. all this covid pLandemic is bullshit. I have never, nor ever will, wear a mask, social distance, take a test or get the gene altering serpent juice.

  2. if you would still like to come by please call first because I am out every day running around living life instead of cowering in my Schwab/Gates/Fauci/Biden/T-rump designated sheep pen, watching the mockingbird controlled “media” like all the face-diaper wearing pussys I used to respect.

If, based on this understanding, you decide to not come by, I fully understand.

Blessings and peace


Ugh. :worried:

I guess I still plan to visit him, probably within the next couple of weeks. Even though it looks like he may have gone off the deep end, I’m still concerned about his wellbeing. I don’t want to get in any arguments with him, so I guess I’ll just hold my tongue and try and change the subject if he starts ranting.

Sheessss Crafter_Man, It’s crazy that a respected engineer has fallen for the RW bullshit.

Your a good guy to try to help him.

Because the every nose-hair trimmer I’ve tried (I possess a thick and abundant nostril-pelt) end up tugging, rather than cutting. It also doesn’t easily get the hair at the very front of the nose, the ones that cascade down onto my upper lip and drive my wife insane.

So for Christmas she gave me - at my request - a nose-waxing kit. I used it for the first time a couple of days ago. Got rid of all the hairs with about three applications and, surprisingly, didn’t hurt all that badly. And they left my nostrils silky smooth. Next step will be to try it on my ears.

Might be a reference to Royal Rife and his fabulous Rife machine, versions of which you can still buy today for thousands of dollars. From Healthline:

“Rife believed bacteria or viruses inside tumors emitted specific electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). He developed a microscope he claimed could detect EMFs from bacteria and viruses by the color of their auras.”

“In the 1930s, he developed another machine called the Rife Frequency Generator. He claimed it produced low-energy radio waves with the same frequency as cancer-causing microbes. He believed sending this frequency to the body would make cancer-causing microbes shatter and die. This frequency was called the mortal oscillatory rate.”

More startling revelations here:

Great stuff. Just dial up the proper frequency, and kill off syphilis bacteria, viruses, parasites, cancer cells etc.

Of course, the Medical Establishment couldn’t tolerate this threat to their gravy train, so it enlisted the all-powerful A.M.A. to ridicule and silence Rife, steal and burn his notes and then murder him in the hospital.

Sounds like he’s not so much a werewolf as he is a werelabradoodle.

Back in the late 60s, early 70s, I referred to myself as a “Redneck Hippie”.

I wasn’t sure what it meant, but it sounded cool. In reality, of course, I was just plain Redneck.