Well Dayumn! Gay Marriage is now Legal in Alabama

The SPLC is on the case: SPLC adds to complaint against Roy Moore

Oh, that’s awesome. Well done. Many kudos, Elendil’s Heir.

And I can’t believe Alabama is more progressive than my home state of Georgia. Higher SATs, too. I’m so embarrassed.

But at least we don’t have Roy Moore. Or a statue of a boll weevil.

Chief Justice of Alabama is an elected position, so I don’t believe there is really much sanction that can be taken against him. Unless the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission files a complaint about him, as they did when he refused to comply with the Federal court decision to take the 10 Commandments down from the front of the Alabama Supreme Court.

" Appreciate" as in “doesn’t like” or as in “doesn’t understand?”

I image that, when marriage between whites and “colors” was being debated in the 1960’s, some people stated “Next thing you know, them goddam queers will be wanting to get married.”


In context, the former, I believe.

I think his Ten Commandments statue should be placed on his head.

Could the federal judge have him arrested on a bench warrant for contempt of court? The supremacy clause should back him up. Also any probate judge who refuses to issue marriage licenses?

I grew up in Alabama and moved to Georgia around 2002. I’m happy to see Alabama pull ahead in at least one area.

The higher SATs are largely due to a selection bias. Many college and universities in Alabama require the ACT instead of the SAT. So a disproportionate number of students in Alabama who take the SAT are those who are looking to go to school out of state or are attempting to get a merit scholarship.

“After a simple service, the couple was escorted to their waiting limousine by members the the 101st Airborne.”

Yes, but in the real world, Federal courts are very unlikely to go that far, especially against fellow members of the judiciary.

Ah? I did not know that. Thanks for giving me back another reason to look down on Alabama.

Wouldn’t you first have to get an order directly against Ol’Roy?

So if a probate judge were to challenge Moore’s order in federal court, got an order telling Moore to cease and desist, and then Moore disobeyed?

Usually contempt requires disobedience of an order that directly applies to the individual, in my understanding.

His interjection of himself into the controversy and issuance of an order directly contrary to the U.S. district court’s might, in the mind of a particularly aggressive Federal judge, constitute contempt. The contempt power is usually interpreted broadly.

Moore says he’s “standing up for the law.”

Congrats to all people in Alabama who can get married now! So happy for them.

George Takei and husband have weighed in: “Wedding finger” given to Alabama by Star Trek actor

I’m right there with Revtim. I’d be bitterly ashamed that ALABAMA was more progressive than MY state…

Then again, my former state of residence, Texas, recently allowed two women to get married as a result of a loophole. And then they slammed the loophole closed, and last I heard were frantically trying to figure out a way to legally unmarry the women…

I am glad I no longer live in Texas.

Chief Justice Moore is unsurprisingly displeased with the SCOTUS decision on SSM, but for the moment is only jawing. Not sure he has the balls, or the idiocy, to openly defy it or to instruct Alabama officialdom to do the same: http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/26/politics/roy-moore-conservatives-gay-marriage-alabama-react/

Some places, like in my county, are refusing to issue marriage licenses.

Some counties have decided to quit issuing licenses at all.