Well, I likely have cancer [update: no, I don't]

Terrific news. So happy for you.

Oh, good. That’s good news, indeed.

So great to hear!!!

Wonderful news. :slight_smile:

(jumps up and down and throws confetti in the air)

I’m so happy to read this! YOU DON’T HAVE CANCER and that’s the best news of all.

Well that’s good news. So who has the rights to your remarkable excised bollock? Will they preserve it in formaldehyde to be poked and inspected by thousands of medical students for generations to come?

Or they could give it back to you in a jar, so you could show it off like gallstones.

Wonderful news by the way. I’m so happy for you.

The news could only have been better if they’d found a large diamond in there. Cool!

Considering the puckering going on recently, a diamond could be found nearby.

Great news!!!

Congratulations! Now you should go buy that lottery ticket.

I just did my Happy Dance dedicated to you, right in the library.

Great news!

Great news!


Glad to hear it and I hope you feel better soon.

'Ip 'ip – 'urrah!

'Ip 'ip – 'urrah!

'Ip 'ip – 'urrah!!

Cancelling gift order for pirate eye-patch boxers.

Wonderful to hear!

Yay! Now you won’t have to start a GoFundMe drive.

Very solid.

And, in the spirit of the Dope, you know who else only had one ball?

Scottie Pippen?

Hey hey, now. THAT issue is still very much in play. Or are you just trading them out for something featuring Han[g] Solo?