Well, well ... has Tony Blair become a delusional Islamophobe bigot like me?

Sorry, I can’t find the exact quote, ITR, but you remind me of the gravedigger in *Hamlet *who drove the poor Prince nuts by taking every comment of his literally.

I did not mean that my opinion literally “spread” from my postings on SD to Tony Blair. I realize Blair probably does not spend a lot of time on this site, if any, and that he does not know me from Adam’s off ox. I was using “spread” as a figure of speech.

And before you say it, no, I am not comparing myself to a Prince of Denmark either.

I did not say there was no strife if those countries. An earlier posting had said that the conflict of Islam with the west arises from the fact that Islam is Third World, not from an Islamic ideology of world domination and hostility to the infidel West.

My point is: If the real conflict is Third World versus the West, why are other Third World countries not attacking the west as Muslims are doing?

Because they are not Muslim. Before that, back in Marxist times, an internationalist ideology could reach over purely ethnic or religious divides. Islam cannot do that as, by its nature it is contained to “its people”. But it does pretty much all that Marxism and nationalism used to do. Thinking this is Armaggedon is misguided.

Oh, its people! Would that be the Indonesians, the Chinese, or the Arabs? The Sunni, or the Shia.

All of them can be. Though, like with any intra-religious divides Islam’s different factions can hate each other. If there’s some form of recognition in a common ideology, as Islam is turning out to be, there can be some “Muslim alliances”. Usually they tend to fall short, as local issues tend to overcome what remains a largely fictitious link.


Since I do not live in Britain, I would refer you to various groups like the English Defence League. I have most commonly heard complaints regarding Luton, Manchester and parts of London.

In France, Muslims have taken to showing their Muscle by taking over whole streets for Friday prayer. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNIKz9b8FAA

As you will see from this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbEJom2HJEg&feature=related French non-Muslims and businesses who happen to live on these streets are out of luck if they want to get into or out of their own property during Friday prayers.

Who gives a shit about France?

Why not refer people to the BNP too?

Way to flush your credibility down the toilet.

Considering your record here it would take some time for Blair argue his way into being as much a delusional bigotted Islamophobe at yourself. He has to start somewhere I guess.

Not like anyone’s really rushing to defend Blair against your charges either, their is plenty of room in that club.

Will you give a shit when it happens on your own street?

I’m sorry but arguing that the English Defence League(the UK’s answer to the KKK) is a reliable source is utterly asinine.

Also, believing that outside of Uganda that there are no Christain countries with harsh penalties for being gays shows gross ignorance regarding the world.

Also, anyone who thinks radical Islam is a threat to the West is utterly paranoid.

Radical Muslims can’t hurt the West. What they actually are threats to are fellow Muslims and the GWOT actually strengthens their cause.

Inshallah, one day we’ll figure out that invading countries and engaging in perpetual occupation does far more to help radical Islsm than it does to hurt it.

Ok, watched it, and I think Blair may be very right in what he said.

And he’s certainly right there.

Nobody controls Islam, but it’s true that there is a strain of extremism and violent anti-western/modernism that is well financed.

He’s not. Blair is choosing his words far more carefully than you are.

I’m not going to look up all your previous posts.

SCARY CAPITALS! Oooh… I have noticed that some of the most delusional anti-evolutionist arguments on youtube come from black Americans. My conclusion from that is that it’s stupid to take youtube comments seriously.


Is all bollocks.

Perhaps you should do a little research on the EDL before you slander them by comparing them to the KKK. You may not be aware that the EDL includes a Gay, Lebian and Bisexual section, a Jewish Section, and that it has blacks and other non-whites in its membership. One of its mains spokespersons is a Sikh.

Does that sound KKK to you? Do you see gay rainbow flags and Israeli flags at KKK meetings?

Why do gay people support the EDL? For starters, maybe because we are scared shitless of Islam. Maybe because 72% of British Muslims believe gays should be executed or imprisoned. Maybe because gangs of Muslim thugs in places like London, Amsterdam and Paris go gay-bashing on a regular basis.

Yes, the EDL are working-class and proud of it, but that is because the expansion of Islam is happening first in the working-class areas. They are the ones who are feeling it more.

Do you have a cite or not?

If in fact there are parts of British cities that are no-go zones for non-Muslims, it should be trivially easy for you to find hundreds of links, not just some vague “Hey, ask the English Defence League.” I went to their website and couldn’t find anything about your claim.

The fact that you CAN’T find any real cites is very damning of your claim. Perhaps you’d like to reconsider it… or provide some cites. Perhaps not ones from the EDL or “Christian World News.”

Your argument that the EDL can’t be compared to the KKK because it contains a “gay division” and a “Jewish division” shows little understanding of history.

Based on that logic, it would be ridiculous to compare the Nazis to the KKK, because the KKK of that era hated Catholics and Muslims whereas much of the Nazi leadership was Catholic and the SS had a Muslim division.

If you’re going to claim to be the big defender of the West, you should learn more about Western history.

For myself, I’m happy to compare any group that would beat me up for walking while Brown to the KKK.

You do not believe there are areas of Britain where non-Muslims can’t go?

Here is a report in BBC Today
BBC - Radio4 - Today/Oldham Vigilantes (the author, you will note, is named Barnie Choudry and is obviously of Asian origin).

As the article says:

*Asian Vigilantes

by Barnie Choudhury

An investigation for Today has found disturbing evidence that Asian youths in parts of Oldham are trying to create no go areas for white people.

Last year the police investigated record levels of racist attacks in Oldham.Of the 572 cases, 60% turned out to be white victims.

Pakistanis make up the majority on the Glodwick estate just west of the town centre. Some youths speak the language of racial hatred. It’s not clear whether this is bravado but their message is blunt… white people keep out. *
Other areas that are frequently reported as no-go for non-Muslims are in Birmingham and North London. But it is difficult to give media reports because the media are scared of touching the issue for fear of being labelled Islamophobic. They use “Asian” as a cover-all, but everyone knows it is not gangs of young Koreans or Sri Lankans that are involved.

And I am happy to compare a religion that wants me killed, flogged or imprisoned for being gay, as the MAJORITY of Muslim countries do, to the Nazis.

So if “60% of all victims of racist attacks are white” doesn’t that seem to suggest that 40% are Asian?

Apparently there are quite a few Asians getting beaten up by whites.

Moreover, since white crime victims in the UK ate more likely to report crimes than Asians, the real numbers might be even higher.

Thank you for undermining your own argument.