What a shock! More computer problems for pkbites! HELP!

I appreciate all the suggestions. And I’m definately going to try some of them.

But you know what? Nobody should have to go through all that just to surf the web! Spyware/Adware should be illegal, and the penalties extremely harsh!

I’m a little confused…

why is anyone wrestling with IE’s manifold defects?

I’ve been an opera fan since version 5, mostly cause I figure the servers are located in Sweden, ie, the free world, as opposed to somewhere in LA

I may be wrong about that, but it’s also got a small enough footprint that you can install multiple copies, one way to insure against some of the worst outcomes of hacker mischief is to intall a pristine browser for each financial transaction, and uninstall it immediately following the gtransaction. Opera is small enough to make this practical–don’t try it wiith IE, even if y ou could get to all parts of it and extgirpate them, which you can’t.

Now I’ve got a tough one.

When ever I start IE it opens to a page with this address
Oddly enough it puts up pop ups which are trying to sell me anti-spy/anti-hijack software.

What’s up with that and how do I get rid of it.

I’m on my work PC and we are running WindowsNT.

Zebra, you have the “res:” malware infection. It is the same one I had.

It is similar in nature to the about:blank malware, and just as difficult to get rid of. Go to the spywareinfo.com message board to get assistance.

This post (or one of the links therein) on that message board may provide you with the info you need.

Good luck.