What are the 3 important qualities that you seek in your partner?

Smart, funny, nice.

I’m going to have to say

  1. Reverence for the Lord God Our Father
  2. A firm resolve to conduct both family and business affairs in accordance with the commandments of the Holy Bible and the will of our Blessed Savior Jesus Christ
  3. A cock the size of a fat toddler’s arm

Bell Biv Devoe would disagree with the first two. :wink:

Emotional Maturity

are mine. Being nice? Eh - it’s a good quality, but I’ve seen some nice people that leave a trail of destruction in their wake.

Kindness, chemistry sense of humor

Physical attraction, foremost. There are any number of lovely people who I would never date because there’s no spark. Intelligence ensures they will interest and intellectually stimulate me. Kindness/conscientiousness, means I can grow to love and trust them.

But there are so many small things both outside and within those big three that make me feel truly compatible with someone.

  1. compatible personality(such as a shared sense of humor, similar personal beliefs, mutual interests)

  2. intelligence

  3. appearance(doesn’t have to be the hottest guy in the room, I’m just not going to be attracted to someone I find funny-looking, or who has bad hygiene)

Regarding #1: I fall on the opposite of this. I’d prefer that he understands that happiness comes from within and if he’s not happy with himself, there is nothing that I could do or not do that will MAKE him happy. Conversely, I don’t believe my happiness is wrapped around whichever guy I’m with. I’m happy without him – I was happy before I met him. I’m happy with him. I don’t like to put pressure on other people to force them to “make” me happy. They can’t; I can choose to be happy or I can choose to go find that which makes me happy, but I don’t see it as my partner’s job.

Seeing as how your post implies you are with someone and I am single, perhaps I should reconsider this viewpoint.

  1. a dick that works

  2. a brain that works

  3. a heart that works

“Why, Cowardly Lion! You’ve had a working dick all along!”

Sorry, but I’m already married…

  1. Shared Interests

  2. Innumeracy

Having lots of interests in life, as opposed to having hermit tendencies. Almost any interests are ok, because if we both have the same interests when we start out, we’ll never learn anything.

We have to be able to laugh at each other and at ourselves, all the time.

I hate to say it, but fiscal responsibility is important. I wish this didn’t matter so much to me, but financial insecurity makes me very anxious. I thank/blame my parents for that.

  1. Is socially awkward in some way

  2. Has a bright, thinking mind

  3. Loves cats, not kids