What are the things I should know before I hit 20?

Start now saving for your pension, when you move on in years you just cannot imagine how having the option to retire early changes the whole game, your whole mindset and attitude to employment will change - you really can walk away, suddenly you are no longer work dependent, you will only work because you choose to work, and you will only select the sort of work you want to do, instead of what you have to do just to get by.

This is just one benefit, there are others, such as having options available if illness or other disaster strikes you or your family.

Spend some time on these questions:

  1. Where did I come from?
  2. Why am I here?
  3. Where do I go after all this is over?

You are Santa Claus.
You are going to die someday.
Take meticulous care of your car.
Multi-tasking is a way to do several things badly at the same time, just do one thing at a time.
Sex is wonderful, but not as good as Hollywood and Madison Avenue would have you believe.
Be persistent.
Effort is the only variable in life that you control.