What Are You Allergic To?


Woman! Out of my head!

I’m allergic to latex.

I’m allergic to the dye they use to get a contrast when scanning for upper GI problems. I don’t remember the name but it’s on my charts!

I went for such a scan one time and freaked a whole bunch of people out when I came out sneezing and puffy.

What side effect? I got a really, really, really strange one once.


All contact dermatitises.

Practically speaking, it means I’m allergic to most metal jewelry, tape, bandages, and OTC antibiotics. And I’m probably allergic to a lot of makeup, but being a guy who doesn’t have a TV show, I tend not to wear any…

A chemo drug I was on, iodine dye injected for a test, some antibiotics, and that might be all. I don’t like getting sick and try to avoid anyone who looks I’ll, but I’m a teacher so it is difficult.

My sister, the Crazy Cat and Dog Lady.

Or maybe I’m just allergic to The Crazy.

I got tendonitis all over, and retinal changes. It was pretty awful, the only time I’ve been physically unable to get up.

Cat dander. So of course, I have several cats and works so I can rescue cats. There was one time that I had over 30 kittens in my home and had to use my epi pen (for bee stings) when I walked in the door. Foster cats now live in seperated areas and I only allow one cat (well 2) sleep in the bedroom.

Scents often give me a rash.
I get bad respiratory allergies - especially when I mow grass. (I used to wear a darth-vader style painting mask when I mowed, now I just pay someone.)

The drug Reglan did horrible things to me and taught me a lesson about asking a doctor for details. He told me to watch out for issues with motion because it could become permanent. I thought he meant difficulty with head spins or such when walking. What was meant was that Reglan can cause movement of the limbs. Five days into taking it I couldn’t stop my arms and legs from constantly moving. It also seemed to cause an overwhelming despair that I have never experienced before or since. (Although that wasn’t listed in the side effects, so I admit it could have been something else.) Anyway, I now am relentless about asking for details on side effects and also am sure to read the lit given with the drug.

Penicillin causes me to have a temporary sensitivity to certain foods which causes me to break out in hives.

Lately, I think I have been developing a late-life allergy to seafood. The last time, I was puking and didn’t poop for a week. Not a great Christmas for me, unfortunately.

Nothing serious. Salt water and synthetic fibres exacerbate my eczema. It has to be natural fibres like wool and cotton, and I have to stay out of the sea. Otherwise I appear to be fine.

Penicillin, and a couple of other antibiotics. If I get sick, it gets pricey!

Nickel, which by far is the most noticeable for me. Its not as bad as it was when I was a kid and I had to paint the inside snaps of jeans with nail polish to avoid breaking out in a rash. But I can’t wear jewelry other than sterling silver on my wrists or neck. My wedding ring causes no problems, its just the inside of the wrist and back of my neck.

Which is a bummer, my gma gave me some beautiful gold jewelry and I wear it when I’m going to see her, but man do I itch later!


Formaldehyde. And something in red wine makes me break out in a rash (not white wine for some reason)

Or is it the glycerin??? I found out the hard way in back-to-back separate instances that I’m highly allergic to the stuff in some forms - especially in certain baby oils as previously mentioned.

Needless to say I woke up looking just like you described above, and was miserable for about a week. It wasn’t pretty. Surprisingly, though, in shampoos or body lotion, it doesn’t seem to affect me.

Also found out about glycerin the same way during a community theater show using the glycerin formula in fog machines. The minute I came in contact with either liquid or fog, I turned into a walking hive factory. There’s now an official ban on glycerin-based fog product at my theater because of me. :smiley:

Also allergic to poison ivy to a point where it can become life-threatening.
Ditto bee stings.
Percodan. Within fifteen minutes of taking it one time for post-dental surgery, I was worshipping the porcelain goddess to the point I thought I was going to hork up my stomach. It’s listed as a no-no on my wallet emergency card now. Percocet? No problem and works fine.

I’m told that I’m allergic to penicillin. I honestly have no clue if I am, just going on what I’ve been told by my mom regarding some early childhood reaction to the drug. Then again, she used to over-react to other mild sensitivities that I had, and called an “allergy” any sensitivity or reaction… so, not sure. (One of the supposed “allergies” was to erethromycin, which caused a major 12-hour vomiting/dehydration fit as a kid which landed me in the ER; a skeptical doctor a few years later asked me to try it again, and it turned out I could handle it just fine if I took the it with food and took acidophilus. Really opened my eyes to the difference between real allergies and “sensitivities.”)

I have some very mild reaction to seasonal pollen or something in the air during spring, which is completely bearable compared to the continual sneezing/runny nose/itchy eyes I dealt with at 18; I now get a slightly runny nose for a couple of weeks a year, max. I also used to be deathly allergic to poison ivy as a child-- throat swelling shut, face swelling to the point where I couldn’t see-- but now only get a few mildly itchy bumps when exposed. Mosquito bites are also less itchy now than before; mildly itchy bumps, rather than masses of clustered, weeping bumps. Kind of weird; I’d always been told that allergies got worse over time, but all of my major environmental ones have abated to the point where I don’t take precautions anymore, and don’t have to use medication if I have a reaction.

Diflucan, and my cat.

Hard work.