What are your hopes for a Biden Presidency?

I hope that the Democrats give Biden a decent chance before they turn on him. And turn on him they certainly will.

When you become president, you become the repository of your own party’s hopes (like the title of this thread) the way a parent is, a savior, a rescuer, a knight in shining armor. The office of president is where everyone’s projections come to rest. After a short honeymoon, your party will come at you like a pack of angry dogs or children, criticizing you for not doing enough, for getting along with the Other Side, for being weak, for not fighting hard enough for MY special interests.

This happened to Bill Clinton and it certainly happened to Obama-- as the party’s losses in his second term showed. Friends of mine who were passionate Obama supporters began to hate the way he seemed weak before McConnell and the Senate. They wanted Obama to fight back, stand up to the bullies, blahblahblah.

Politics is called “the art of the possible.” It was not possible for Obama to work with McConnell, and the Democrats turned on their former hero for his failure to do the impossible.

I just hope the Democrats cut Biden some slack, because he’s facing more of an uphill challenge than Obama did, even in his second term.