What are your rights when your car gets blocked in

False imprisonment doesn’t sound right to me either.

But, In one case, my Wife and I where blocked in right after we where married. Yep, Wife in gown, me in a tux (the offending vehicle was not from our wedding party).

Luckily, we didn’t HAVE to be any where, but what if we had to rush to the airport for a honeymoon? It could have cost us dearly in dollars. Lots of situations could come up.

In that last situation, I was very close to pushing the car out with my SUV. But I did not want to damage my car. (nor did I want to spend my wedding night in jail).

There has to be something these clueless, inconsiderate, lazy idiots can be charged with. So far all I have been able to do is leave a note on their car.

This happened to me all of the time at the last house I lived at. Assclowns would park in front of my driveway and I got tired of banging on all of the doors of the neighborhood to find him (always a him). I started calling the cops and the amazing thing was as soon as the cop showed up, they would bound out from nowhere to move their car.

I did this a couple of times and then no more problems. I guess the word got around - oh and the fact that I put a huge old rock in the street next to the curb at the corner of the driveway so anyone trying to pull over to park there would get a rude awakening.

I truck drove and seems a reefer truck dumped a load of spoiled fish in a corner of the building’s lot. nobody parks near there,
guy challenged me today, wanting to block me in, blowing his horn, but he stopped, I have one of those drive-cam recorders and it really helps for peeps that fail to yeild, but then again my boss can use the gps and see me speeding.

Some years ago, three ladies had a house opposite me and had a lot of male visitors. Parking in my driveway became common. So I blocked them in, and when they came out after their 15 minutes was up, they used to toot their horn or whatever, and I’d come out with a can of cider in my hand and explain that they were parked on my private property and no, I couldn’t move my car because I had been drinking and was no longer in a fit state to drive. :smiley: Word soon got around.